Chapter 13.

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Tobias POV.

"Marlene?" I say my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. What the hell is she doing here? I thought she was dead. I hoped she was dead.

"God it's amazing to see Tris in such a shitty state. I remember the last time I saw her, she held a gun to my head. I wonder what the reason that was for again?" She walks towards me chuckling, her hands crossed in front of her chest.

"Oh that's right. I killed your first child. Doesn't that bring back memories?" She tilts her head.

I grow angry with each passing second I'm standing here, still carrying my injured, hardly conscious wife in my arms.

"It was a pity, wasn't it? To have such a small and precious thing to be ripped away from you by a blow to the stomach!" She chuckles again. I shake my head, not wanting to head anymore of her bullshit.

"Move out of the way." I demand, causing the 2 dauntless guards to step forward. I shake my head laughing. They actually think they can take me on? Not a chance.

I twist Tris around so she is on my back, her hands wrapping around my neck. I quickly grab my gun from the waist band of my pants, aiming it at Marlene, the other hand holding Tris up.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" I say my eye brows raising. Marlene crosses her arms, she won't budge.

"How about we compromise? You let Tris go and I stay here." I say looking deeply into Marlene's cold, hard eyes.

"Tobias no!" Tris croaks, wrapping her arms tighter around my neck. Marlene smirks, "Deal. You, Grab him and you, grab her."

The guards run towards me and a piercing scream erupts from Tris's lips, her clutch on my tightening. The guard rips her off my back causing me punch the other in the face.

"Where are you taking her?!" I yell.

"The place that will haunt your dreams, Eaton."

Crappy and short update. Sorry X

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