Chapter. 14

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2 days. It's been 2 days since I have last heard anything from anyone on the outside. I was taken underground I am chained to a fence in a cold, dark room.

All I can think about is Tris and Chloe. I don't know where they are or who they are with but all I know and hope is that Zeke is with them, keeping them safe.

But who really knows, they could all be dead by now.

The door bursts open and the flights turn on. There are lights in here?

I don't look up because I know its Marlene and her lackeys. I hear a familiar whimper and my eye brows furrow.

I look up, my head aching. That's when I see her, being dragged in by her arms, her face is bloody. She looks weak, tired.

I thrash against the fence using all my might to find someway to break these chains, binding me to the fence. But it's no use and I, myself begin to grow tired.

"What have you done?" I stutter, my body aching as I look at Marlene. She shows no expression and neither do the guards, that's a bit odd.

They chain her up, both of her hands cuffed to the fence so her body dangles just above the ground, like me.

"Can we at least eat?" I say looking at Marlene. She sighs, nodding her head and walking out. Everytime I have asked for food, I have either been punched or yelled at. Something seems off.

"Tris?" I whisper softly. Her head hangs low as she stares at the floor, the corners of her mouth are downwards.

"I told you to go...a-and you didn't." She says her eyes glistening with tears. "Now look where you are."

"Tris I-"

"This is a situation we need to get out of. But how can we do that if you're in here? Who is protecting Chloe, huh? Who is protecting our little girl?! It can't be you! Because you are chained up to metal fence beside me!" She sobs.

All I want to do is hug her. Wipe her tears away and tell her that everything is going to be okay even when I know it isn't.

"Look at me." I say as her head hangs low, she looks up at me. "We are gonna get through this baby, please don't give up just yet."

Before Tris can reply, Marlene opens the door with 2 trays.

"Mason and Jack are gonna chain you to the bottom of the fence so you can use one hand to eat." She says. "You're so lucky I even got you anything."

The guards, Mason and Jack, come towards us and cuff us up to the bottom half of the fence. She places the food infront of us.

2 pieces of bread and some water.

They walk out and close the door. Tris has already started eating her bread. I get one of mine and rip in it half. I put the one and a half piece of bread onto her plate. She needs it more than I do.


"You need to eat, if we are gonna make it out of here I can't have you starving to death."

She touches my hand with hers and somewhere inside me I feel a warmth. Home.

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