Chapter 18.

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Tris POV // 10pm

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" I say to Chloe as she smiles at me.

"Yes Mom."

"Have you got everything? Your glasses?"

"Yep! Now go! Stop worrying." She giggles, cuddling into my arms.

"I love you princess." I say smiling lightly.

"I love you too." She smiles turning away and going inside her friends house.

I walk back towards the apartment and begin to get ready for tonight.

"You got everything we need?" I ask Zeke as he hands us all a black backpack each.

Uriah, Christina and Shauna are with us now, ready to go.

"Everything is in there but I wanna go through it first so open up your bags guys." He says crossing his arms.

I sit down and open the backpack up.

"In each bag you should have 3 ring tailed knifes, a gun, a light and some bullets." We all look at him and nod.

I stand up, "We have to be really careful. I don't wanna lose anyone tonight. I can't lose anyone tonight."

They all nod. I pick up the backpack and put it on.

I am wearing a black short sleeved shirt with a black jumper, black combat boots and some thick black tights.

I carry the gun in my hands, "you ready?" I say, looking at everyone.

"Let's go."


I kick the door open, once we reach the top of the stairwell. I look around and back at Zeke.

"The train should be here any minute."

"Remind me what I need to do again?" I say.

"Run along side the train and get near an opening. Grab the side handle and step onto the platform and pull yourself in."

I nod and bounce on the balls of my feet, anxiously waiting. Not just for the train but also for what I might find at the erudite warehouse.

Zeke walks over to the tracks and bends down, placing his palm in the metal track.

"It's coming." He says standing up and adjusting his backpack.

I hope Chloe is okay, I bet she is having some fun with her friend. She needs to take her mind off things.

I look around and see all the tall buildings that are still standing after the attack.

I've heard you can go zip lining on top of the Hancock Building, I can't wait to go and do that.

"Let's hope we all make it back aye?" Christina says looking at the direction where the train is coming from.

We start to run beside it as it zooms past us.

I am behind everyone else. I see Uriah get into the cart first as he helps Christina in. Zeke swings in moments after pulling Shauna in with him.

I speed up and see the bridge coming up in front of me. I quickly grab the handle and swing myself into the cart, landing with a loud thud.

I sit and lean my back against the trains wall. I see the stars through the small window on the cart.

I smile to myself, everything is going to be okay and everything must happen for a reason.

Christina sits beside me and leans her head on my shoulder. I look at my watch: 10:37.

"You okay?" She says glancing up at me.

"I know things are gonna go well tonight. I'm gonna use all I got to get him back." I say.

She chuckles, "well, what if he comes at you? What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know."

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