Chapter 19.

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Tris POV //

We jump off the train a couple hundred metres from the abandoned erudite warehouse.

I look at my watch, 10:53pm.

"We need to leave now, or else we are gonna be late and who knows what's gonna happen then!" I say grabbing the gun from the side of my bag.

Everyone is ready and we run. I feel the wind in my hair and some part of me wants to smile. I can't wait till this is all over, I'll get to go zip lining with Tobias and we can go on long runs with Chloe. We can have what we once had.

I had always wondered as a kid where I would end up and I would laugh if you told me that I would end up here. I sometimes think back to my relationship with Tobias when we were in High School. The first time we met and also the last. We have been through heaps of crappy times but I love him and he loves me.

And its been that way all along.

We are at the corner of the warehouse and Zeke peaks around to see if it's clear.


We walk fast to the entrance and I need to say something before we can go in.

"I love you guys." I whisper. They look back at me and smile,

"We love you too, everything is going to go as planned." Uriah says hugging me.

"I know, I just felt like I had to say it." I chuckle.

"Okay," Christina wipes under her eye. "We ready?"

I look at my watch, 10: 59pm

"Let's go."

Next chapter is the last chapter guys.

Will Tobias survive?

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