Chapter 15

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Same day // Tris

I'm aching and in pain. My hunger has subsided but I still feel it gnawing at my insides, needing more food that I gave it. Tobias's hand is still gripping mine and his eyes are closed.

I look over every now and again because I can't sleep even though I'm tired. It hurts to see him hurt and I'm the one who got him into this.

The door opens, startling both me and Tobias. Marlene walks through and stands in front of us.

"How long are we here for?" I say glancing up at her. She shakes her head and turns her attention towards me.

"Tris, you have to come with me."she says placing her hand on her forehead. Tobias squeezes my hand tighter, not letting me go.

"Where? Why?" Tobias says, panic in his voice.

"Tris is no longer being used as the war machine, you are."

That's when everything inside me stops. I feel cold, no emotion. I can't feel my legs or arms, I'm completely numb.

The 2 guards come running in, charging towards me as Tobias thrashed against the metal, holding him to the fence.

A piercing scream erupts from my mouth as Jack grabs me by the waist while Mason unclips the chain around my wrist. I kick his hand and it sends the key flying across the floor.

"Please don't hurt him! Please!" I scream as I struggle against them.

"Tris! I love you baby! Get help!" Tobias yells to me.

I scream as sobs and tears make their way out of me and there is nothing I can do but let them.

"I love you." I whisper knowing that this might be the last time I see him. The door closes and so does my eyes.

I walk into the kitchen while Tobias walks upstairs.
"Baby, come here" he yells from upstairs.
I walk up to the bedroom and see him holding a bouquet of Orange Tulips with a white silk bow holding them together. I smile at his appearance.

"Miss Prior, will you accompany me to the Prom Tuesday night?" He smiles
"Yes, Mr Eaton. I would love to" I laugh.

I run over to him and hug him tightly. I take the Tulips and smell them. They smell beautiful!
"Thank you so much" I say.
He pulls me to sit on the side of the bed and pulls out a white box. He opens it and lays a beautiful silver necklace with a heart. It has a white crystal in the middle.
He picks it up and unhooks it. He puts my hair to the side and places the necklace on me. I take a look at the little thin silver heart. The white crystal looks so amazing!

I turn it over to the other side and it has 'Forever' written on it. I start crying and I cuddle into Tobias.

"Thank you so much, your so amazing. I don't know what I would do without you." I cry.
"Anything for my girl. You mean the world to me Tris everything about you is perfect. I can't wait till we spend the rest of our life together. I love you baby" he says.

"I love you more" I say
"I love you most" he says.

"Forever?" I ask looking into his sparkling brown eyes,
He kisses my lips,
"Forever" he says.


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