chapter two

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6.12.16 | 20 Days.

Harry grabbed my suitcase from the trunk and we stare at each other for what seems like forever. I hate how cheesy people are when they say how lost they can get into someone's eyes, but I was completely transfixed on Harry's green ones at this exact moment.

He had a smirk on his face as he eyed me closely. His eyelids narrowed down on me as he stared deviously. I'm not going to lie it felt like he was looking into my soul, in search of something. Although it was uncomfortable, I knew he was hiding something else.

"Let me walk you in." He stated, nodding his head and grabbing my suitcase from my hands.

I followed him to the front door, anticipating the moment where I see my family again for the first time in months.

But to my surprise, the house looks bare, as if it was completely empty. Perfect. The day I come home, no one is even around to welcome me back.

Harry stopped once we reached the door, and slowly...and I mean slowly, opened the door.

"Harry what the hell are you waiting for? Open the damn door." I said sternly, my patience level decreasing by the second.

"Did I mention how great it is to have you back?" He narrowed his eyes at me as he smirked and walked inside the house.

The house was so silent that it was almost haunting. I looked around at the darkness, wondering where my parents were. I still can't believe that this was the first time I was back home in what feels like years, and no one was even here.

I sighed and then turned to face him, "Well thank you for-" I began to say but was then cut off.

"SURPRISE!" Voices erupt as the lights flash on and confetti flies around the room.

I jump back my eyes wide, bumping into Harry who stood behind me. I almost fully lost my balance, until Harry caught me in his arms.

I am in complete astonishment and shock as I look around at my family all welcoming me home. Their faces were bright, as they looked so happy to see me back.

"Welcome home, Emily!" My mum cheered running up to hug me.

"Mum," I smiled wrapping my arms around her.

"We've missed you," she sighed squeezing me tighter and then letting go.

"There's my princess!" My dad said kissing my forehead, "How are you?"

"Good!" I smiled, "Happy to be back." I nodded my head.

"It's so good to have you home again, you've been away for too long in my opinion." He agreed.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Someone said in a monotone voice.

I turned my head toward the doorway connecting the kitchen to the hallway and see my sister leaning against the wall.

"Hi, Elyse."

She looked so different from the last time I saw her years ago. She was now eighteen, practically an adult. Her hair was long and wavy, with a few natural highlights, unlike the last time I saw her. She no longer had braces, her teeth were pure white and her smile was able to light up the entire room. She was breathtaking.

Unfortunately I didn't look like that when I was eighteen. I still wore glasses and didn't exactly know what a fashion sense was, nonetheless what mine was. My hair was either frizzy or greasy all the time- there was no in-between. Luckily by the time I turned twenty, I had fully finished puberty, and I definitely got better looking- well comparing it to my teen years I did.

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