another authors note

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wow hi guys it sure has been a hot minute since i've been really active on wattpad. but i've missed you all and i love you all so much.

your comments and votes and reads seriously mean the world to me. YOU ALL MEAN THE WORLD TO ME. your comments literally make me giggle ugh you guys are the best.

soooo a lot of you have been wondering (or maybe you haven't idk) what about Niall's happy ending?

In my book, Niall did IN FACT have a crush on emmie. However, he never acted on anything because of how in love she was with Harry. DON'T HATE EMMIE BECAUSE OF THIS. She was completely oblivious, and obviously very caught up with Harry. Not to say that she didn't have any sort of feeling for Niall, maybe she did...i don't know...I guess we'll never know. But yes Niall had feelings for Emmie and truly wanted whatever made her happy, and if that was Harry so be it.

So here's my confession, I had always planned for Harry and Emmie to get together. I wanted their happily ever after because they got a whole lotta history (see what i did there)...but halfway through writing the book I started to ship Emmie and Niall more than I did her and Harry (harry was a dick for half the book tbh). So I was heavily leaning toward Niall and Emily getting together in the end. PLOT TWIST OF THE CENTURY AM I RIGHT???

but that didn't happen now did it? Unfortunately Harry got the girl, BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG NIALL IS VERY VERY HAPPY FOR THEM. But who's gonna make Niall happy?

I am planning on writing a sequel but in third person and this time it will be Niall's love story. It'll pick up right after the ceremony at the reception where Niall is introduced to someone...

that's all I'm going to say for on the look'll probably be up in about a month...around christmas time...exactly two years since I published the first chapter of The Vow.

Thank you all again, and I love you all so so so so so much. I seriously cannot thank you enough...185k READS???? LIKE THATS INSANE.

all the love,


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