chapter fourteen

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I sat in my bed in complete silence. I came home early from school again today. I told my mum it was because I wasn't feeling well, but really it was because the torture of being bullied was honestly too overwhelming today. The words that were said continued to spiral around in my head, as soft tears began to well in my eyes, telling me that I was ugly, that I wasn't good enough, that nobody would ever like me, and so much more.

On most days I could ignore it; but today was different. I can't stay strong all the time. Everyone has their breaking points.

Why is life so complicated? Honestly, it's like the world is split into two teams; me versus everyone else.

What is it about me that makes them hate me so much? The way I look? The way I talk? The way I act?

What is it? Please tell me because I give up on searching for the answer.

I'm starting to think that it's just the pure fact that I exist that annoys everyone so much. There was nothing I could do about that, unless I disappeared. And trust me, I've thought about it.

"She's upstairs, Harry." I heard my mum from downstairs and I quickly brush away the tears and fan my face with my hands.

I hear footsteps approaching closer to my closed door and I lay down in the bed and took a deep breath.

"Knock knock," I heard someone whisper from outside my door before it creaked open.

"Who's there?" I rolled my eyes.

"Interrupting cow."


"MOO." He basically screamed before I could finish my sentence.

"Very funny," I laughed dryly as I covered my face with my blanket, trying desperately to hide my tear stained face.

I felt the weight of his body press against the bed as he began rubbing my arm softly.

"Oh come on," Harry sighed, "You usually love my jokes."

"I do love your jokes."

"Where were you today? Your mum said you left school early." Harry asked, his tone becoming more concerned.

"I wasn't feeling well." I shrugged my face was still against the bed, letting the blankets soak in the warm tears.

He rolled me over against my will and saw the tears on my face, and my eyes that were bloodshot and watery.

"Hey hey hey," he said his expression full of worry, "What happened today?"

I shook my head sitting up straight so I could look directly into his eyes when I said, "No. It's not important."

He placed his hands firmly on my shoulders looking me dead into my eyes when he said, "What are you saying? Of course it's important."

"Harry please," I begged trying to get him to let me go.

He held on tighter, "I'm not letting go until you talk to me about it. I'm right here, calm down."

"I don't want to talk about it." I sniffled looking away.

He moved his hands off of my shoulders, and opened his arms wide. "Come here," he said. I fell immediately into his body, his warm arms holding me tight. "When you're ready to talk I'm right here."

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