chapter six

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"You know I'm gonna marry Emmie one day." A little, 8-year-old Harry said to his mum as he quickly wrapped him tiny arms around me, pulling me close.

My heart was racing at his simple touch.

"Really?" Anne said with a little giggle.

"Yes! She's gonna be my wife and we're gonna live together all the time!" He smiled widely, showing off his huge smile with one tooth missing.

"What made you decide she's the one?" Anne asked sitting down on the couch as she watched Harry and I play.

"Cause I love her! And I miss her when we aren't playing together." He sighed frowning. "I want to be with her all the time!" He giggled.

"Well, what do you say Miss Emily, would you marry my son?" She inquired looking over at me.

I took a few breaths looking at Anne, and then at Harry, and then back at Anne.

"We're just friends Miss Anne," I giggled, "Friends can't get married."

"Yes they can!" Harry argued sulking at me as he let go of me. "Friends make the best marriages."

"Harry, we're only eight. I'm too young to marry a boy." I stated, exaggerating my eye roll at him.

"Maybe when you two are older, you'll get married." Anne chuckled trying to make a mutual agreement between the two of us.

"I'll show you!" Harry exclaimed sticking his tongue out at me. "One day we'll be together forever, living a happily ever after."

"Nuh-uh." I shook my head.

"Uh-uh," he claimed back.

"Nuh-uh!" I argued this time louder than before.


"Look at you two." Anne laughed, "You already fight like an old married couple."

6.14.16 | 18 Days.

I looked in front of the full-length mirror. My body angled as I scan my outfit making sure everything fit and looked perfect. My hands made their way up to my hair smoothing it out as much as I could as I continued to take in my appearance.

My lips scrunched together as I examined myself more closely.

My eyes were small and a light shade of grey- what an ugly color, in my opinion. Well compared to Violet everything that I am is ugly. My skin isn't as glowing as hers. My lips were not a soft rose color like she had. Instead I had blotchy skin, with a few breakouts here and there, with a pale pink color for lips. My hair was plain and thin that I could never seem to get to look good, while hers was always smooth and shiny.

I knew I shouldn't compare myself to her, but I couldn't help it. When a girl is marrying someone you always imagined marrying, how could you not? Everything that she had, I didn't. I know I never would.

My phone buzzed from my bedside table distracting me from my thoughts. I grab it and answer.

"Hello Harry," I smiled sitting on my bed grabbing my sandals from the floor and slipping my feet through them.

"Ready when you are Emmie!" He cheered sending butterflies to soar throughout my stomach.

"Great," I said shifting my balance with my phone as I placed in the crease of my shoulder and ear as I put my one shoe on. "I'll be over in a minute."

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