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Every fiber in my body wanted this day to go smoothly. When I say smoothly, I meant that Ice didn't try anything stupid when I was actually cooperating with him.

Time was running out quickly, and I contacted him 3 days before my deadline. I got tired of running, my legs just gave in. I wasn't as strong as I thought I was.

Nevertheless, it was time to put drug dealing to a rest, and leave it out of my life for good. It just pained me to see that this is where I ended up at, after all of these years.

The plan went like this: Ice told me to meet him in alley way, not too far from the restaurant. He told me to come alone, and I would have, but Snoop, Renardo, and Pac insisted that they went, but stayed secluded. I was supposed to give Ice the key to the place, and that'd be it. I just hoped that he wouldn't pull anything.

"You straight?" Snoop nudged my shoulder a few times as he walked past me. I just simply nodded, staring off into space.

"You sure," he asked again as he dug through my refridgerator.

I nodded and said, "Yeah." My voice was uneasy, with a hint of euphemism, and I hoped that Snoop wouldn't catch on to my uncertainty. "I really think I should go by myself."

Snoop looked at me as if I just asked for both of his kidneys, "None of us are about to allow that. 9/10 that nigga not gone be alone, so why should you?"

Pondering on his previous statement, I realized that he was right. Ice would've brought any kind of heat he could bring, there was no doubt about that.

Faith peered in from her room, looking somewhat sad. "I hate this," she muttered, "I hate that you're in the middle of this." She plopped on the couch next to me, and I rubbed her shoulder.

"It's my fault, I apologize. After this, it's over." I said in a sincere tone, reassuring Faith that was sure to be fine. Even though I probably wasn't, but I kept that out, she was worried enough.

"It's not your fault, even though I didn't really agree with the whole idea in the first place, I don't think it's anyone's fault. It's just the fact that this Ice guy has so much power over you, even when he's just out of jail." Faith rambled on to me in sorrow.

I stayed silent, due to the fact I didn't know what else to say. Taking her into a deep hug, Snoop reminded me that we had to go.

"Stay here, lock the doors," I hugged Faith tighter and she squeezed me back,"I love you girl."

"I love you too." She said softly as she buried her face into my shoulder. I tried not to cry, I couldn't cry. This whole situation frightened the hell out of me, but I couldn't cry.

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Faith, and got up from the couch. Snoop and Faith shared a long hug as well, and before I knew it, we were on our way to meet Ice.

He told us, well, me, to come late at night. Around 11 to be exact. But Snoop and I came about 39 minutes early, to make sure that Tupac and Renardo were there, and they found places to hide.

As we approached the rendezvous point, instead of Tupac and Renardo, I saw Caine in the mix. I was happy to see him since it's been a few months, but I didn't want any more people to be in this.

Snoop and I got out of the car, and approached the three.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Caine.

"Tupac told me what was goin' on, so it was no doubt I was gonna have your back." He said smiling. I really didn't want anything to happen to Caine, but I knew if I argued him down he still wouldn't budge. So I just stayed quiet and hoped for the best.

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