Chapter 10: Someone Else's Pitiful Loss

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Hey people!  So, after a fairly long wait, I bring you the tenth chapter!  This story's really coming along (at least I think it is), and I couldn't be happier!  Thanks so much for all the reads, votes, and comments!  I appreciate every single one(:  SOOO, enjoy!


Chapter 10: Someone Else's Pitiful Loss

My alarm woke me up the next morning, at eight, just like last week. Sighing, I got up and tried to shake my sleepiness. I lazily yanked on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts before creeping downstairs. I jumped when I got to the kitchen though because at the sink stood Harry, casually drinking a cup of tea. He turned around, hearing me come in, and smiled at me.

“What are you doing up so early? Thought you enjoyed your sleep,” he chuckled.

“Oh, I just have stuff to do and whatnot,” I said quietly, grabbing an apple and sitting at the table with it.

As I started eating, Harry sat down with me, but thankfully he didn't try to start any conversation. He let me eat in peace while he sipped his tea. I felt slightly uncomfortable as we sat there, not saying anything, but at the same time, there was a strange sense of connection. Silence could never last forever though, and when I stood up to throw away my apple core, Harry finally spoke up.

“So what kind of stuff do you have to do that requires getting up so early?” he asked, rinsing his cup in the sink.

“Oh, I’m just going to go visit a friend,” I told him.

“This early? On a Sunday?” he asked curiously.

“Yup, it's kind of a tradition,” I shrugged.

“Oh, so it's the same friend you saw last Sunday?” Harry asked like it was some big revelation.

I only nodded and said, “Yeah I better get going actually.”

He nodded, and I raced upstairs to grab my bag. Thankfully, no one else had gotten up yet, so I was able to slip back downstairs easily and make the drive to the prison. I felt my mood darken slightly as I parked, but then I remembered that I was going to see my dad. As much as I hated that he was here, I was happy that I could still see him at all. Some people were not that lucky.

Richard signed me in and called for Phoebe to get my dad while I sat patiently in the chair that I always sat at. My dad came out and grinned when he laid eyes on me. I smiled widely and grabbed the telephone off of the hook.

“Hey,” we both said at the same time.

I laughed and said, “Jinx.”

My dad's eyes crinkled as he smiled, and I said quieter, “I've missed you.”

“Me too,” my dad sighed, but he kept his smile on his face.

“I brought some fun things to do today,” I told him excitedly, reaching into my bag.

I laid the various objects out in front of me and, pointing at each in turn, said, “I've got paper for hangman and tic-tac-toe and some crosswords, and I even brought Scrabble.”

My dad smiled even wider, and I added, “What do you want to do first?”

“How about I get my brain going with a crossword before I whoop your butt at Scrabble?” he suggested with a sly smile.

“You're on,” I grinned.

We completed three whole crosswords before my dad decided that he was finally prepared enough to play Scrabble. It was never very busy here, so our games had attracted Richard's attention, who pulled up a chair nearby to watch us play. The board of course had to be on my side of the glass since it couldn't fit through the slot, but my dad was happy with me handing tiles to him and placing his words where he told me to. I was beating my dad by about twenty points as we neared the end, but I was struggling to come up with another word to lay down. I only had so many letters left and not many options, but I refused to give up. Finally, I spotted something and placed my letters out.

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