Chapter 15: Someone Else's Point of View

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Chapter 15: Someone Else's Point of View

The next day there was an unspoken agreement that we would have a lazy day. We were lounging in the backyard, not doing much of anything. I had brought a few pairs of shoes out to work on, but I had quickly abandoned them so that I could lay out in the sun. It wasn't extremely hot, but it was still one of those days that was just on the verge of too hot so that you didn't want to do anything. The boys were all laying about, and Kadence and I were just a little ways apart from them. I turned my head away from the sun to face Kadence.

She had her eyes closed to block out the sun's blinding light and seemed content at the moment, the exact opposite of me. My stomach couldn't stop twisting and turning. I wanted to know if Kadence felt anything towards Zayn, but at the same time, I didn't want to know. What if she did? Then what? It's not like I would tell her about my own feelings and make her feel guilty for liking the same boy as me. She had every right to have feelings for her childhood best friend; I would only get in the way.

But, maybe I was being silly. There was a good chance that she felt nothing towards Zayn, that he was nothing more than a best friend to her. Then what though? Would that make me gain the guts to do something about what I felt? Doubtful, but at least it would put me at ease. I would feel better knowing that I wasn't interfering with them.

Digging my fingertips into my head, I groaned softly. I hated all of the conflicting feelings bouncing around my head and confusing me.

“Something wrong Dakota?” Kadence chuckled quietly.

I sat up the tiniest bit to make sure that we were far enough away from the boys for me to talk openly then I sighed.

“Well, I was just wondering,” I mumbled but stopped; I was being ridiculous.

“Wondering what?” she asked, seeming to understand that it was difficult for me to ask; she rolled over on her side to look at me, giving her back to the boys, as if they noticed.

“Uh, well, I mean, um, I was just wondering if you liked Zayn at all and whatnot,” I muttered quickly.

Kadence smiled at me and bit her lip to hold in her giggles, and her brown eyes sparkled.

“I don't know,” she thought, her eyes glazing over as she got lost in her own head. “I suppose maybe I do. I mean, he is super fit, now isn't he?”

I laughed in a way that was supposed to sound amused and light, but it was forced and a bit tight coming out of my mouth. Kadence didn't notice.

“Now that I think about it, he is really nice and a great guy. I've missed having him around,” she told me, meeting my eyes again. “I think maybe I do like Zayn.”

With those simple words, my chest tightened, and I struggled to get enough air into my lungs. I felt like I was suffocating, and my gut felt a million times heavier. I knew this was a possibility, but I had hoped that I had been imagining it. But, why wouldn't Kadence like Zayn? It made perfect sense, but I still didn't like hearing it. Besides, why did I really believe that Zayn and I had a chance?

“Why do you ask?” Kadence brought me back to earth.

“Oh, just wondering,” I shrugged.

Kadence nodded, and we both went back to laying in the sun in silence. I should have felt relaxed or at least satisfied now that I knew how Kadence felt. If anything, I felt even worse. I felt guilty for liking Zayn when Kadence liked him, even though I knew I shouldn't. After a while, I crawled over to my shoes and box of sharpies and began doodling and designing. I think the boys were getting bored too because soon enough they were crowded around me, watching me work. I only had Liam's and Zayn's shoes to finish, but I had plenty of time. For now, I was trying to get some done to hopefully sell before the end of the summer.

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