Chapter 13: Someone Else's Strip Tease

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Okey dokey, here it is the 13th chapter!  I hope you all enjoy it :3


Chapter 13: Someone Else's Strip Tease

“We're home!” Terry called out as she came in through the garage later that afternoon. “And, I've brought goodies!”

We all raced from where we sat in the living room and saw Terry holding multiple pizza boxes and Peter holding another box. I smiled when I saw that the pizza was from my favorite local shop. Surely that wasn't a coincidence.

“Congratulations Dakota! Kadence told us about your letter!” she beamed, setting down the boxes and pulling me into a tight squeeze.

“Oh, thanks, but you didn't have to do this,” I mumbled against her shoulder.

Terry released me and held me back by my shoulders.

“Of course we did! This is so exciting! It's not everyday that you get accepted to college,” she grinned.

“And, it gave us an excuse to get a cake,” Peter added brightly.

I chuckled and said, “Alright then.”

“Oh come on,” Kadence rolled her eyes at me. “I got a cake, and so did Drew. Did you really think you weren't going to get a cake?”

“I guess not,” I shrugged.

“Man, I wish I would've gotten a cake for coming in third place on the X Factor,” Louis pouted.

The boys rolled their eyes, and I asked quizzically, “Couldn't you buy like a million cakes if you wanted to?”

Louis' eyes lit up at this revelation, and his mouth hung open in a wide, almost deranged smile.

“No,” Harry almost immediately shot down his hopes. “You can't go and blow a bunch of money on cakes.”

Louis frowned but nodded sadly.

“I assume Kadence has made plans for all of you?” Terry asked politely with a playful smile at Louis' teasing.

Kadence nodded excitedly and said, “I told Drew that him and his dad could join us for pizza, but then we might head over to Drew's since they have a pool.”

“That sounds good,” Peter chimed in. “I haven't seen Dave in quite a while.”

Terry nodded in agreement, and we all started to dig in to the pizza. Drew and his dad showed up shortly after we started eating, and we all went to the backyard to eat together while Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Ross stayed inside. We were all laughing and joking, and it was nice to share pizza and stories in the grass as the sky began to dim. Well, I was in the grass while everyone else sat in chairs. I didn't think it was necessary. Even though it could be itchy and ticklish, I loved to sit on the grass. I waited patiently while everyone finished their pizza and had a slice of cake, but by eight, I was practically jumping.

“Can we go to Drew's now?” I blurted out.

Kadence smiled and said, “Of course, get your swim gear boys.”

We all trekked inside to quickly change into swimsuits and grab towels so that we could leave. I made sure to pile my hair into a high bun to keep it out of the way. We told the adults that we were going, and Drew snagged what was rest of the cake to bring with us. The walk to Drew's was comfortable; it was warm outside tonight, but it wasn't muggy or humid. Perfect weather for a late night swim. Drew didn't even bother with his front door and led us to the backyard, easily opening the door in his fence. The pool shimmered a bit in the moonlight, and the water was eerily still but very inviting. The boys already had trunks on, so they just slid off their shirts and jumped in. Kadence and I slipped our shorts off and then our T-shirts.

Someone Else's Fairytale (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now