I'm In Love With My Boi

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I woke up and stretched before checking the time on my phone. It was 8:30am. I had work today, but I was dreading it. I'd been living in Austin for a few years now and I settled into an apartment downtown. I moved from New Jersey due to a job offer down here. The job wasn't that bad, it was a step up from being an electrician at least. I rolled out of bed and ruffled my curly auburn  hair. I lingered into the bathroom and jumped into the shower, staying in a few extra minutes to just let my thoughts take over. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back into my bedroom. I pulled out whatever jeans and a t-shirt I got my hands on.

I walked into the Achievement Hunter office and was greeted by Gavin. He had a dorky smile plastered across his face as he ran up to hug me. God he was so damn cute. I wrapped my arms around his neck, but quickly let go when I heard the mocking from Geoff. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down at my desk. Go figure that Gavin's desk was next to mine. I leaned back in my chair and heard Geoff mumble that he needed to head out for a few hours. I waved at him and loaded my computer. Spinning around in my chair and looking around the room. Gavin and I were the only ones in the office at the moment. The thought made my urge to want to kiss Gavin skyrocket.

Gavin swiveled around in his chair. "We have to film Play Pals today, boi." I turned towards him, "What game are we playing?" He smiled that cute smile of his, "'Who's your Daddy?'" I nodded as we both went to pull the game up on our computers. I loaded up my camera and we began to play. It was actually pretty entertaining and we finished after a few rounds. I leaned back in my chair again and looked at Gavin. I couldn't help but do it now and again. He was so cute with his big nose and his British accent. I didn't realize he caught he starring before I heard him speak up. "Like what you see Micoo." I felt my face get red and I turned away, "Shut the hell up, Gavin." I heard him chuckle and I crossed my arms. I wish I could just lean over and kiss him.

He was my best friend and that was it. He probably didn't like me back, hell he probably isn't even into guys. I wouldn't like me either. When Lindsay and I broke it off, I was a mess. I was drunk most of the time and picked up the habit of cutting. I really did care about her and I was going to propose to her, but I never got the chance. I kept the ring in my room and ever time I see it I just feel like doing something stupid. Gavin usually stops me before I do it, though. He's just perfect like that.

The rest of the Achievement Hunters piled in and we all started up on the videos we were filming today. We finished the last video and everyone started to pack up to go home. I didn't have anything I needed to edit today, so I started to pack up too. Gavin stood up beside me, "Want to grab some bevs, boi?" I stuffed my phone in my back pocket and stood up, "Why not, it's Friday." Gavin followed me to my car and got into the passenger's seat. I got into the driver's seat and started the engine. I pulled onto the road and drove to the nearest bar. "I think the fans are going to love the video we did, Micoo!" Gavin chuckled as I put the car in park. "It was pretty damn fun," I said, smiling.

Gavin and I got out of the car and I locked it. We made our way to the bar and sat down. We ordered our drinks and started downing them. After about three drinks I started thinking too much. I thought about Lindsay, who had called it off with me after she found out I liked Gavin. I thought about the slightest possibility that Gavin actually liked me back. I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Gavin mumble something. "What was that, Gav?" I asked, setting my glass down. Gavin looked down at his glass. "I like you, Micoo." I started to blush. He's drunk, Michael. He probably doesn't even know what he's talking about, I thought to myself. "Gavin don't joke around." The bartender walked over to us and I slipped him the money for the drinks. Gavin took another sip of his drink and looked over at me, "I really like you, Micoo." I felt my face getting even redder. "Let's head back to my place and get you to bed." I said to Gavin, walking him towards my car.

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