Kiss Me Like I'm Your Last Hope

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I felt something soft press against my cheek and I fluttered my eyes open. Gavin was pulling head away from
mine with a smile on his face. I was assuming he kissed me. "G'Morning, love. I made breakfast!" I smiled. "Oh you did? Is it soup?" I chuckled and he stuck his tongue out at me, "I made breakfast muffins." Gavin took my
hand, helped me out of bed, and led me into the kitchen. There were two plates on the table. I sat down and took a bite of mine. It was astoundingly good so I took another bite, and another. "Slow down, Micoo. You almost are the whole thing!" I allowed my hands to slowly drop back to the plate, mumbling something like "Sorry" because my mouth was full. Gavin chuckled and started to eat his muffin. I finished mine and was about to take the place to the sink. Gavin out his arm out telling me to set the plate down, "I'll get it, you go get ready, boi." I nodded and walked off to the bedroom.

I dug through my drawer and picked out a pair of old blue jeans and my green Achievement Hunter shirt. I walked into the bathroom and changed. I didn't bother with my contacts so I put on my glasses. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair as much as I could. When I walked back in the bedroom, Gavin was getting dressed. He pulled on his shirt and smiled at me, "You sure you want to drive today?" I nodded, "Yup." He handed my phone to me after stuffing his in his pocket. I took my black beanie off the dresser and pulled it over my hair. I also snagged a jacket from the coat hanger, along with the keys, before walking out the door. I locked the front door and walked down the driveway. Gavin slid into the passenger's seat and buckled up. I sat down in the driver's seat and buckled up before starting the car.

"I didn't tell the guys anything." Gavin stated, motioning to my arm. I didn't understand why it wasn't uncomfortable to talk about for me. I guess it was because I don't remember doing it. I parked the car in the parking lot and put the keys in my pocket. I threw on my jacket and looked over at Gavin, who was already out of the car. I pushed myself out and locked the car. Gavin walked over to me and put his right arm around my shoulders. I wrapped my left arm around his waist as we walked. He opened the door for me when we reached the office. I waved as everyone looked over at us. "Michael, you're back!" Jeremy said, leaning back in his chair. Jack smiled and Ryan was too involved in the game he was playing to say anything so he just waved. "Geoff's talking with Burnie. He should be back soon." I nodded at Jack's words and sat down at my desk. Gavin sat down at his desk which was to the right of mine.

I examined all of the pictures I had of Gavin and I. There was one of the time he and I went swimming, one of when we celebrated my birthday by smashing each others' faces in the cake. I was too busy staring at all the pictures and remembering those times that I didn't notice Gavin trying to get my attention. Only did I notice when he wrapped his body around my waist and clung onto me. "Gavin what the fuck are you doing?" I looked down at him. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and straightened himself out in my lap, cuddling into my chest. "I was trying to get your attention." He whined. I rolled my eyes and stuck my arms out on either side of him and loaded up my computer. "Well you sure as hell got it." It felt amazingly comforting with him siting on my lap like this. If we weren't in the office, I probably would've snuggled my face into his neck and put on a movie for us.

I put on my headphones and stared editing some videos left in my files. Gavin probably fell asleep in my lap because his breathing slowed down. I wouldn't blame him, he hardly got any sleep when I was out. Geoff walked in after an hour and patted me on the back, snickering at Gavin's position. "Mike, we gotta film a Let's Play in about an hour. You feel up to it?" Geoff said in his fatherly tone. I nodded, "If I can get this dick off me by then." Geoff smiled and sat down in his desk chair. I went back to editing the video. I got stuck with one of the Play Pals Gavin and I did weeks ago. It ended up getting finished after a little over half an hour of editing. I took a quick picture of Gavin sleeping on me so I could mess with him later. I decided to let him sleep until five minutes before we needed to start filming. "Michael, did you ever find out how you wound up in the hospital?" Jeremy quietly asked, also trying not to wake Gavin. Play it cool. I shrugged. "I don't know, I just blacked out. I honestly don't even remember anything after Sunday." Jeremy nodded and gave me a sympathetic smile behind returning to his monitor.

"Can you wake Gavin? We have to start filming." Geoff looked over the monitors at me. I nodded as he sat down again. "Gav, wake up." I shook his body. "We have to start filming, asshole." I said, kissing his cheek. His eyes flickered open and he looked at me, "Wot are you on about, Micoo?" I rolled my eyes, "We have to have a Let's Play, Gavvy." He nodded and jumped back into his desk chair. We all loaded up our monitors and whatever oddball game Geoff found. Our microphones were on and connected and the game was starting. We spent three hours playing and were almost finished by now. Gavin kept bumping his foot into mine and giggling about it. The rest of the Achievement Hunters started to shrug us off and let us be background noise. "Gavin, bump my foot one more time and I'm gonna shove it up your ass." I glared at him. He giggled at tapped his foot on mine again. "That's it. I'm shoving my foot up your ass." I growled and took off my headphones. "Mic-ARGH." Gavin squeaked out as I jumped on him in his chair. I could hear Jack say "I think they're buttfucking over there." before I started tickling Gavin. He started laughing really loud and Ryan yelled, "Let's stop!" I got off of Gavin when actual tears sprouted from eyes because he was laughing so hard. I turned off my microphone and monitor and kissed Gavin's cheek.

It's around five in the after noon now. Geoff walked up next to me, "You and Gav can take the rest of the day off, bud." I lifted my eyebrow at him, "Seriously?" Geoff shrugged, "I don't want to overwhelm you on your first day back." I smiled, "Alright, but expect us back on Monday, cap'in." I left out the 't' in 'captin' and jokingly saluted Geoff. He chuckled and went back to his desk. Gavin was already standing and ready to go. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and rolled up my jacket sleeves. Was I forgetting something? I waved at everyone, "See ya guys on, Monday." Everyone looked a bit too focused on my arm so I just caught up with Gavin who was out in the hall. We walked to the car and got in. I started it and pulled in onto the road driving home. "Oh man, it felt good to go back." I said, pulling the car onto our street. Gavin chuckled, "I bet it does." He placed his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. I really love this man. I pulled the car into the driveway and we both got out. I locked the car and unlocked the front door. We both stepped inside and took our shoes off. I put the keys and my jacket back on the hook by the front door.

[A/N: Hope you guys liked that chapter! Thanks for reading! The next one is rated a little higher and (just to warn you) shouldn't be read by younger viewers..]

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