Another Day, Another Dime At Work

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I woke up the next morning with a slight headache from the wine. The curtains were open, revealing the dim, early morning sunlight. I looked over at my boyfriend and marveled at how cute he was when he was sleeping. I rolled over on my other side and turned on my phone to check the time, seven in the morning. I rolled back over to face Gavin and leaned in to kiss him. He fluttered his eyes opened when I pulled away. "Morning, babe." I hummed, pushing myself out of bed. Gavin let out a whine, "What are you doing?" I pulled out a tee-shirt, some blue jeans, and my boxers from the dresser. "We gotta get ready for work." Gavin pushed himself out of bed and into the bathroom after grabbing clothes. I changed quickly, not having to take a shower because I took one last night. Gavin came out after he changed into his clothes. We walked into the kitchen together and I gave us both a bagel.

We ate our bagels while lounging on the couch. When we finished eating, we put on our shoes and got our phones. I grabbed the car keys and Gavin followed me to the car after we locked the front door. We made it to the car and put on our seatbelts as I started the car. I pulled the car onto the drove and drove towards the office. "We're going to have to start planning the wedding soon." I mentioned as I pulled the car up to a stoplight. "We should start doing that after work, love." Gavin rubbed my shoulder and smiled. He's wonderful. I started to pull the car into the parking lot and into an empty spot. I took the keys out and pushed myself out, locking the car when Gavin got out. We met at the back of the at and intertwined our fingers as we walked into the building. We got a bunch if cheers from everyone as we walked passed them and into the Achievement Hunter office.


"RYAN IT'S A RIGHT TURN NOT A LEFT!" I screamed, trying to direct Ryan's character so our team would win. We were playing a racing game in GTAV. Ryan and I were teamed up, Geoff and Gavin were a team, and Jack and Jeremy were a team. "Geoff, now's our chance! Go, go, go!" Gavin screeched. "I'm going as fast as I can dickhead!" Geoff 'a car almost passed us to the finish line, but Ryan pulled in ahead. "Jeremy, come on! We were in first place at the start. What happened?" Jack sighed. Jeremy threw his arms up, "I don't know, man." "Go Team Crazy Mad!" I pumped my fist into the air. Ryan chuckled. Gavin glared at his monitor, "You cheeky bastards." I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. That was the last round and end of the video, so we wrapped it up, and turned off the recordings.  I leaned back in my chair and crossed my heads behind my head. The guys went off to editing or whatever they needed to. I pulled up my files and started editing an old video. Gavin, in a surprising turn of events, had only one video left to edit. After about a few hours of editing, Geoff got a call and left the room.

"So Funhaus's plane got here and they're coming to film some shit with us. They're gonna be here in about an hour," Geoff explained as he walked back to his desk. "Meaning they're just going to play whatever we throw at them and we sit back and relax," Gavin joked. Geoff chuckled, "Pretty much." I leaned back in my chair and stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the wedding. Gavin was leaning on my shoulder, playing a flash game on his computer. We all wasted an hour doing whatever and greeted all the Funhaus members when they showed up. We filmed a Mario Maker and a Gang Beasts with them before we sat back and let them play GTAV by themselves. Gavin and I were sat on the couch, me next to the armrest and him with his head in my lap and his legs across the rest of the couch. Geoff went out to eat with Griffon, Ryan was sitting in our giant sword chair, Jack went home to see Caiti, and Jeremy was lounging on the beanbag chair. It looked like Adam was winning until Lawrence shot his character. They played a few more rounds of that until they all left around six in the afternoon. We went back to our desks and finished any editing or such we needed to. I finished my editing before Funhaus showed up, as did Gavin. We said our goodbyes to the office and left for home.


It was around ten at night now and I was sitting on the couch in sweatpants and an old t-shirt, watching whatever show was on. Gavin came up beside me and sat in my lap. I rolled my eyes and jokingly pushed him beside me on the couch. He snuggled up next to me and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "We should go to England," Gavin muttered. "I bet your parents would love to hear the news." "I can get Geoff to give us a week off so we can visit." "When would be good?" Gavin shrugged, "Two weeks from now?" I was a bit taken back by the short time frame, but it didn't really bother me. "Sounds good. We'll ask Geoff tomorrow." Gavin pressed his lips against my cheek. "Let's go to bed now, boi." Gavin yawned as he got off of the couch and put a hand out to help me up. I took his hand in mine and let him lead me to the bedroom. We got in after we turned off the lights and I wrapped my arm around his waist. We both ended up falling asleep before we knew it, dreaming of how the wedding would go.

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