The Memory Man

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I felt light headed or like my head was going to explode, I couldn't decide which one. My couldn't breathe, but that was the point, wasn't it. My vision went black and my body went limp, but I heard footsteps stomping around the house. They sounded distant and I was probably imagining them so I didn't think much of it. I felt like I left my body somehow and I know I did. I was floating, fucking floating. I could see my body and another one, Gavin's, rushing into the room. I could see the fear on his face, the sadness. Meg was wrong, he never stopped loving me. I saw the tears well up in his eyes as he scrambled to drag my body from the rope and onto the bed. My neck looked purple and red. Gavin squeezed his fingers against my wrist and then his eyes widen. "Wake up, Micoo. Please wake up!" I placed a foot on the floor and walked over to my body. I had to try. I stepped back into my body and immediately started gasping for air. I felt the blood rush into my head and the rope burn on my neck throbbing. I felt my body being lifted up and pulled into someone. I think Gavin pulled me into a hug, "Micoo oh my god. Don't ever bloody do that again. I love you so damn much."

I blinked my eyes open and felt extremely groggy and nauseous. I went to speak, but nothing came out. Gavin only pulled me tighter and started crying. I started crying too. I can't believe I did that. I almost died. I let her get to me and I almost left Gavin alone. What the hell is wrong with me? Gavin muttered loving things to me as he rocked us back and forth. We stayed like that for a while until I started choking on air again. Gavin picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the house and into the passenger's seat of the car. Was he going to drive? He didn't have his license. Gavin got into the driver's seat and started us off down the road. I looked at him with wide eyes and started coughing again. He sped through a yellow light and pulled into the hospital. I let out some sort of noise trying to tell him I didn't want to be here. My vision left again and my body went weak. I felt Gavin pick me up again and rush me into the hospital. My hearing was echoed and I couldn't hear anything anyone said. I felt myself being laid down on a bed and rushed off somewhere.

When my eyes opened again, it was dark in the room. I guessed I was in a hospital by all the machines and the things hooked up to me. I looked down and saw a dusty blonde haired man asleep in a chair. What was his name again? Gavin. Yeah. I was married to him, I think. I looked at his left hand and saw a ring, then looked at my own hand and saw a matching one. Yep, defiantly married. I started coughing again and tried to keep it quiet so I wouldn't wake him. I failed. Gavin woke up and rushed to my side. He handed me a glass of water, which I gladly drank. My throat felt really dry and scratchy. "Why am I here?" I croaked out. Gavin looked like he was going to cry so I decided that the answer to my question was probably bad. "Y-You know who I am right?" He asked, pulling the chair closer to the bed and sitting down. "Gavin, right? We're married," I answered back, a bit unsure. Gavin nodded and a smile crept up onto his face. A nurse walked in carrying a couple of things in a box. "Oh, Mr. Jones. You're awake," She sat the box down and pulled a clipboard and pen out, along with a tiny flashlight.

She shined the light in my eyes for a second and scribbled something down. "Do you know where you are?" I shook my head. "You're at Saint David's Medical Center, Michael," she pointed at Gavin, "Do you know who this is?" I nodded, "Gavin." She scribbled something down again, "Good. Do you know what year it is?" "Twenty-sixteen," I answered. She nodded, "Do you know what happened to you?" I shook my head again. She didn't tell me why this time. Why wouldn't anyone tell me? "Well. All your stats look good and your breathing is back to normal. The memory loss is normal from the medicine we gave you and should subside in about a week. From the looks of it, you'll be able to go home in two days," she clicked her pen and smiled at me. "Oh and there's a couple visitors downstairs for you. Should I send them up?" She looked at Gavin who nodded. Who was here to see me? I couldn't remember anyone except Gavin. The nurse walked out and Gavin looked at me, "Do you remember anyone else?" I shook my head. He mouthed an 'Oh.' There was a light knock on the open door before two men and a women walked in.

One of the men were tall and a bit muscular. He had dirty blonde hair, that was a lot darker than Gavin's and a bit of stubble on his chin. He was wearing a t-shirt that had some writing on it which I think said Achievement Hunter, whatever that meant. The other guy was a bit shorter and dark-haired. His eyes were a bit sunken in and he had beard covering his face. His arms were littered in tattoos and he was wearing a t-shirt with some weird lion on it. The woman that walked in had bright blonde hair that had hints of pink in it. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt and a pair of jeans. She was a bit chubby, but it suited her well. She was extremely pretty. They all had really sad expressions on their face. "Hey, Mike. How are you?" The one with the beard asked, walking up to me. Gavin shot him a look, "He uh- He doesn't remember anyone. They gave him some medicine and it messed him up." The girl walked up to Gavin, "What happened to him?" Gavin just shook his head, "I don't feel like talking about it." The girl nodded and stepped back. The taller, lighter haired guy walked up to me, "Hey buddy. I know you don't remember me right now, but how about I introduce all of us?" I nodded and sat up a bit.

"I'm Ryan, we work together at this company called Rooster Teeth we play video games and do movies, podcasts, and all that-" I chuckled which made him stop talking. "What?" "What kind of a name is Rooster Teeth," I smiled. The guy with the beard let out a chuckle himself. Ryan smiled, "I know, right. Alright, so that's Geoff," he pointed to the bearded guy, "He's kind of our boss at work, but don't think of him as scary. He's actually a big teddy bear." Geoff crossed his arms, but had a smile on his face. Ryan pointed to the girl, "That's Lindsay. She's the real boss of us at work. She's super sweet, though. You and her get along really well, actually." I nodded, taking in the information. Ryan, Geoff, and Lindsay. Their names sounded really familiar. Another guy popped up in the doorway. He had dark skin and dark hair, as well as a beard. He had glasses propped up on his nose. He was wearing a black shirt and a purple hoodie and walked in smiling, "Hey, Michael." Ryan pointed to him, "That's Ray. He used to work with us before he quit and became self-employed basically. You and him were best friends before you both worked at the company and still are." The Ray guy raised an eyebrow at everyone. "He lost his memory," Lindsay explained to him.

[A/N: Hey guys! Got two chapters out today plus this super long one. Hope you guys liked the double update and I'm sorry for all the sadness!! See y'all in the next chapter.]

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