I Love You

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Gavin and I had just finished the movie we put on. It was two hours long and we almost fell asleep half way through. It was around midnight now. "Gav, let's go to bed." I said, looking over at Gavin only to find him asleep. I sighed, slipping my arms under him and pulling him close to my chest. I lifted up his body bridal style, and carried him into the bedroom. I maneuvered myself around the bed and carefully placed him on it. I pulled the covers over him before changing out of my day clothes and climbing under the covers. I wrapped my arm around his waist and cuddled into him, eventually falling asleep.

I blinked my eyes open and yawned. I patted the bed beside me and found that Gavin wasn't there. I groaned and pushed myself off the bed and into the shower. He was probably just in the living room. I made sure the water wasn't too hot and got in, wetting my messy hair. I winced when I felt the water soak through the gauze and onto my cuts. I shrugged off the terrible feeling, it eventually becoming numb, and continued to get clean. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist before quickly drying my hair.  I put in my contacts and took of the soaked gauze, tossing it in the trash. I trudged back in my bedroom and picked out a pair of jeans and a Super Mario Bros t-shirt. I put on the clothes and threw the towels into the hamper before walking into the kitchen.

Gavin was sitting on the couch eating a bagel. "Morning, love." He chirped when he saw me. I smiled. "Morning, Gav." "I made you a bagel, too. It's on the counter." I turned around and saw a bagel with cream cheese on a plate. I gladly took it and walked over to sit next to Gavin on the couch. I leaned over and kissed his cheek as a 'thank you' before diving into the bagel. Gavin chuckled and got up to throw his dirty plate in the dishwasher. I finished my bagel a few minutes later and put my plate into the dishwasher. Gavin ruffled his hair and looked down at my arm. I didn't notice what he was looking at until he grabbed it. "Micoo."  He looked me in the eye and looked sad. Goddammit, Michael. Why did you forget to wrap it back up? You fucking idiot! I tried to pull my arm back, but he had a tight grip on my wrist.

Gavin pulled me along to the bathroom and rummaged through my cabinets until he found the first aid kit. I sank back onto the wall emotionless. Gavin pulled out the anti-bacteria liquid and poured it over the cuts. It stung, making me wince. Gavin placed a new piece of gauze on my wrist and wrapped it up. He put the first aid kit away and turned to me. I looked down at my feet. Great shot at not fucking up this relationship, Michael. Gavin lifted my head up and I tried to not look him in the eye. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, leaning back onto the counter. I looked up at him and I wanted to cry. Why was I such a fucking child? Gavin intertwined my hand in his, squeezed it, and gave me a smile. He leaned down and lifted up my bangs and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry." I muttered out. "Wot did you say, Micoo?" "Let's head to work before they think we're fucking or something." I pulled him along behind me to my car, our hands still together. I snatched my jacket and my keys off the hook before locking the door.

I was completely focused on driving- I lied I was mostly focused on driving, but more importantly what Gavin was thinking about me now. Did he see me as weak? Or perhaps even a crazy attention seeker? I shook the thoughts away and pulled into the parking lot of the office. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and was about to get out when Gavin placed his hand on my knee. I looked over at him. "Are we going to tell them about us?" He asked, looking worried. "They'll probably figure it out at some point, Gav." Gavin looked soothed when I said his name. It made me a smile. I pushed myself out of the car and locked it when Gavin got out. We both tried to act casual to not let our co-workers know what happened this morning. I had my jacket on, which was normal for me so it didn't catch any eyes, and Gavin was as sparkling as ever. No one really noticed as we went to sit at our desks. They all nodded in our directions as a greeting and continued on with their games. I pulled up a random game on my Xbox and tuned out everyone while trying to get all the achievements in the game. Gavin just went back and forth between his desk beside me and his new office.

I wasn't really myself during the videos and everyone seemed to notice. No one commented. Once we finished lunch and all of our filming, Gavin and I left to go to the Podcast set. About a week ago, Burnie asked us to be on the podcast later today. Before we got there, Gavin had me join him for a "pit-stop" to his office. He shut the door behind us. "Micoo are you okay?" He pulled me aside for a fucking interview. I didn't answer. He sighed, "You don't have to talk about it-" He motioned to my arm, "but at least tell me you're okay." I continued to keep quiet. I'd probably sound like a child if I told him why. "I love you, Micoo." He said, kissing my forehead. Gavin opened the door and I stepped out. He locked it behind us and we walked to the set. Gavin sat on the left side of the middle couch, I sat on the right side, Burnie sat in his chair near me, and Gus sat in his chair next to Gavin.

The podcast lasted until ten at night. I drove Gavin back to his house after we finished. When I got back home, I threw my keys on the counter and chucked my jacket across the room. I needed some way to vent. I was so damn stupid and I acted like a kid. Before I knew it, I felt my fist come into contact with the wall. The pain wasn't instant, but it felt good when it reached me. I punched the wall again and again. Finally feeling relaxed after a forth time. My wall was dented and my knuckles were bleeding, but I didn't care. I laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, my left arm resting on my chest and my right arm hanging over the edge. I could feel my right hand pulsing and I focused on that. I could feel my eyes getting heavy now and I tried to keep them open. I took a long blink, making me extremely tired. I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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