The Past Comes Back

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Every thought was going through my head. Is he going to end our friendship or are we going to just ignore what happened?  Gavin probably saw how nervous I was because he placed his hand on my shoulder. I calmed down at his touch, but it didn't stop all of my nerves. I looked up at Gavin who didn't seem as nervous as he was. "I don't think we should let it get in the way of our friendship, Micoo. I was a stupid thing I did while I was drunk." I sighed in relief and put the grilled cheese on plates. I handed a plate to Gavin and took mine to the couch. Gavin followed and sat down on the other side of the couch. We ate in silence until both of us met at the kitchen sink to clean off out plates. "I'll get Geoff to come pick me up so you don't have to." I looked over at him, "I can drive you home." Gavin smiled. "Don't worry." I stuck the plates into the dishwasher and leaned back on the counter. Gavin was in the other room calling Geoff.

It's been an hour since Geoff picked up Gavin and I've been at the same spot all day. I shook off the weekend events and stuffed my phone in my pocket. I knew I was going to get drunk so I didn't see a point in driving. I threw on a beanie and pushed myself out the door. I jogged down the stairs and down the sidewalk. The bar was just down the street from my apartment so it wasn't a long walk. I sat down at a barstool away from the crowd. I took down drink after drink before my thoughts melted. I was acting like a child, Gavin wanted to be friends and that hurt. I chugged down another glass and went to order another. The bartender shot me a look and shook his head. I threw down money to pay and took out my phone. The screen was blurry so I tried my best to call someone to come get me. I held the phone up to my ear and heard a familiar voice pick up.

"Michael?" Lindsay said, worriedly into the phone. I chuckled. Of course it would be Lindsay. "Why is it so loud? Where are you?" She questioned. "You wouldn't care." I slurred my words. "Are you drunk? I'm coming to get you." I hung up and stuffed my phone in my back pocket. Lindsay and I stayed friends after the break up, acting like nothing changed. I looked up and the world was spinning. I didn't care though. I wasn't thinking about Gavin, which was good. I heard the doors to the bar open, but didn't look at them. I felt my body being lifted off the chair. I placed my feet on the ground. I saw Lindsay wrap an arm around me and walked me to the door. I didn't say a word, I didn't even feel like I was in my own body. Lindsay pushed me into the passenger's side of her car and buckled my seatbelt for me. She closed the door and got into the driver's seat, buckling her seatbelt, and starting the car. My thoughts came back, hitting me so hard. My eyes started to tear up, but I didn't let Lindsay see.

She didn't say anything and neither did I. I stared out the window. We passed by my apartment and kept driving. I looked over at her. "Where're we going?" I pushed out the words. Lindsay didn't look over at me while she spoke. "We're going to my house." I rolled my eyes and leaned back onto the seat. Lindsay pulled the car in front of her house and got out of the car. I pushed myself out, almost falling down. She came over and helped me into the house, sitting me on the  couch. She grabbed a bottle of water and handed to me before sitting next to me. I thought back to the events from Friday to the conversation earlier. I kept repeating what Gavin said, but my mind flipped it. I started to tear up, but I didn't stop it this time. I never cried in front of people, but I just couldn't stop myself this time. Lindsay pulled me into a hug and I cried onto her shoulder. She rubbed my back until I calmed down. When I did calm down, I sat back up and rubbed at my eyes. "Was it Gavin?" Lindsay asked, already knowing the answer. I nodded, feeling like a child again. "Tell me what happened."

I started from Friday after work to right up to when I went to the bar earlier. She nodded, keeping a hand on my shoulder the whole time. When I heard the events out loud, I thought of how stupid the whole thing was. I was a fool to think that kiss meant anything, but aren't sober thoughts drunk actions? I shouldn't have let Gavin drink that much, let alone go out with him that night. I was all my fault that I'm hear on this couch right now. Lindsay rubbed my back again before grabbing a blanket for me. It was around midnight now. She tossed me the blanket, turned off the lights, and made her way to her bedroom. I curled up on the couch and pulled the blanket over me. I fell asleep after a few minutes.

I woke up to Lindsay tossing me a pair of clean blue jeans and my rage quit shirt. She must've kept them after the break up, but never got to give them back. I rubbed my eyes and stretched before mumbling a 'Thanks' and going to take a shower. I had a headache, but I pushed it away for now. I cleaned off my body and washed my hair. I turned off the shower and dried myself off. I tossed on the clothes and walked out to the kitchen. Lindsay handed me a bagel and told me to hurry up. I finished the bagel and she handed me a cup of water and two pills. I downed the pills and the water. "Come on, I'm taking you to work." I didn't want to go, but I had to. Lindsay dragged me out to her car and started to drive to the office. She tried to lighten the mood with a couple of jokes and stories of when she was a kid.

I walked into the office and sat down at my chair, not saying anything to anyone. Geoff announced that we had to film a Minecraft Let's Play. I loaded the game on my Xbox and waited for Geoff's instructions. I didn't act like my normal self during the video, but no one commented. Ryan ended up winning the tower. No one spoke to me until lunch when Geoff pulled me aside in the kitchen. "What's wrong, Michael?" I shook him off. "Nothing," I spit out and pushed away, jogging out the door. I could here Gavin asking Geoff where I was going before I ran out to parking lot. My house wasn't too far and I really didn't feel like going back into the office. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kept my head down. I ran through my door and slammed it shut. Why was I getting so worked up over Gavin? 

I sulked into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I saw a silver blade laying on the counter. I picked up the habit when Lindsay broke it off. Part of me was saying "Don't do it. Gavin still cares about you," but that part of me was whispering. I pushed the blade onto my wrist pulling it down and watching the blood drip. It stung, but I got used to it after the second time. Then a third and I kept going until my wrist was covered. I heard a knock on the door and quickly bandaged my arm. I walked over to the door, keeping my left arm behind my back. I opened the door to see Gavin smiling.  "What do you want?" I said, making it sound meaner than it should have been. Gavin lowered his smile, "Can't I come see my boi?" I sighed, stepping aside and letting him come inside. He hugged me and I hugged back, not realizing he saw my arm. "Wot's that, Micoo?"I quickly ripped my arm away from him. Gavin frowned.

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