Wake Up

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I sat down in the uncomfortable chairs they put in the ICU rooms. Gavin was still asleep from all the anesthesia they gave him during the surgery. He did lose a lot of blood,
so he wouldn't be able to do anything big for a while. They also said the break was simple, so it was an easy fix. That's just about the only good news I got today. I scooted the chair closer to the bed and took Gavin's hand in my own. "This is kind of stupid because you aren't dying, but I'm gonna do it anyways," I looked out the door to see if any doctors were around before I started. I didn't see any so I continued, "You better fucking wake up asshole. I'm not letting you go into a coma on our honeymoon. Fucking party pooper. I love you, Gavvy. When you wake up we can go home and tell all the boys how badass you were. That shark got scared of you and swam off, boi." I let out a sigh, I wasn't good at all this sappy stuff. "Dammit, Gavin. The doctors said you should be up by now," I let out a slight growl and rested my head on the bed. I hear the monitors start beeping a bit louder and I raise my head. My hand was squeezed and I looked down.

Gavin's beautiful blue-green eyes were looking up at me. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and smiled like an idiot. Gavin raised his arms and grabbed my wrists, "I didn't die, did I?" I rolled my eyes and kissed his forehead, "Thank fucking god you didn't. I'd have to go to hell just to beat your ass for leaving me." "I would never leave you, Micoo," Gavin had a huge grin on his face. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked, pulling me closer him. "Anything, Gav." He went to whisper something to me, but moved my head and pressed his lips on mine. "Moron," I said, sitting upright in my chair. Gavin chuckled and held out his hand. I placed mine in it and smiled at him. We both heard the door open and turned to see who came in. It was a doctor with a couple of strands of pink hair to highlight her long, jet-black hair. "Mr. Free, you're awake!" Gavin gripped my hand tighter, "It's Jones actually." The doctor nodded, "Oh sorry. So all your vitals are surprisingly stable and your bone was set straight and is ready for a full recovery. Although we put on a cast, we're going to have to keep you over night." The lady scribbled something down on the papers on her clipboard before walking out of the room.

I got up from the chair after the doctor left and found a sharpie. Gavin looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I took off the cap and pushed the blanket off his leg. I scribbled a message onto his green-colored cast before putting the cap back on. Gavin smiled at me playfully, "What did you write?" I chuckled, "I wrote 'Get better dickhead. I'm not carrying you everywhere.'" Gavin's smile turned into a frown, "You didn't!" I sat back down in the chair next to his bed, "I really wrote 'I love you, Gavvy. Heal soon.' with a little heart." Gavin's eyes lit up and I pressed my lips against his. My phone started ringing, making Gavin whimper. I answered the call when I saw it was Geoff. "Hey buddy. How is he?" "Good. He woke up just now." I heard Geoff sigh in relief, "That's great. Did you see the doctor?" "Yeah, she said he can leave tomorrow. Sometime mid-day probably." "When do you think you're coming back?" I thought for a minute, thinking when we'd be able to bring Gavin on a plane. "Probably in like two days." "Well I gotta go. Gus pulled me into a meeting." I heard him groan and I chuckled. We both hung up and Gavin looked up, pretty confused about that whole conversation.

Gavin and I talked about the most random things for most of the day. Around dinnertime, the doctor allowed Gavin to get in a wheelchair so I could take him to the cafeteria. I wheeled him into the elevator. There wasn't anyone else in the elevator we took. "Micoo?" Gavin looked up at me. "Yeah?" "Why the bloody hell would you kick a shark in the face, you big dope?!" I shrugged, "It would've eaten you, asshole. I had to." The elevator dinged and the doors opened so I wheeled Gavin out and into the hall, searching for a sign to tell us where the cafeteria was. I found a sign and followed the arrow down another hallway. After about two minutes, we finally made it to the cafeteria. I wheeled Gavin up to the food bar and we filled our plates. He spotted an empty table so he went over and sat down. Right after we finished eating, two girls, who looked about the age of fourteen, one raven-hair and the other with brown, walked up to us looking really nervous. I could tell they were probably fans. "You're Michael and Gavin. Aren't you?" The brown-haired girl said, holding something in her hands. "Yep. Do you want a picture?" The raven-haired girl, who I noticed only had one leg and was holding herself up with crutches, nodded and took out her phone.

I helped Gavin stand up and let him put all his weight on me. The raven-haired girl held her phone sideways and stood next me, while the brown-haired girl stood beside Gavin. There was a quick flash, signally the picture was taken before the two girls faced us with concerned faces. "What are you two doing here anyways?" The brown-haired one asked. "Oh, we're on our honeymoon," Gavin filled in for me, moving a bit so he was more comfortable in his wheelchair. The raven-haired tilted her head slightly to the left, but they both waved at us and walked away. I was so glad they didn't bring up Gavin's leg or asked about the fact we were on a honeymoon. Sometimes fans pried too much into our lives so it was nice to see some that didn't. "Ready to go back up to your room?" I asked, looking at Gavin. "Sure." I stood up and started to wheel him back towards the elevator. It only took two minutes to get back to Gavin's room. I helped him out of the wheelchair and onto his bed, turning on the television so we could watch something.

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