Be My Valentine

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Gavin and I both woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "I'll get it." I said sleepily, kissing Gavin's forehead. He nodded and rolled over, pulling the blankets up to his neck. I pushed myself out of the bed and towards the front door. I opened it to see Geoff standing outside. "Oh hey Michael. What are you doing here?" He asked as I let him in. "Long story." I replied, turning my head when I heard Gavin walk up. He must've not seen Geoff as he kissed my cheek and walked into the kitchen. My face went red and my gaze went straight back to Geoff. "So that was fucking adorable." He giggled. Gavin just realized Geoff was here and just about whipped his head around towards us. "I uh-" I stuttered out before Geoff interrupted me. "I knew you dicks were a thing." I sighed in relief. Well there goes having to tell Geoff. At least he's cool with it. Geoff started to turn to leave, since all he came here for was to pick up Gavin and now I could clearly do it. "Wait, what's with all the boxes?" Geoff turned back to me. "I got kicked out of my apartment and so I'm kinda moving in." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

Geoff's eyes narrowed on my arm and I pulled it behind me. "What's with the gauze?" I looked at the floor. Gavin walked over, "Well Geoff. You'd better get going. You have that meeting today." Geoff looked weirded out by what he had just witnessed, but left and got in his car. I looked up at Gavin, who kissed my forehead and sat me down on the couch. I noticed for the first time that Gavin didn't own much. I should bring in more of my shit. He handed me a plate of scrambled eggs and sat down beside me with his own plate. We both dug in without a word. "Oh, Micoo guess what today is!" Gavin asked as he put our plates in the kitchen sink. I shrugged, "Another work day?" Gavin shook his head, "It's Valentine's Day, you silly sausage!" I looked at him as I pulled on a beanie. "So does that mean I get to take you on a date?" I smirked. Gavin smiled and pressed his lips against mine.

Gavin and I walked into the office, hand in hand. No one thought twice about us dating. Everyone was cool with it, seeing as they were used to us acting like a couple all the time. We filmed a couple of Let's Plays and Gavin and I did a Valentine's Day themed Play Pals. Geoff let everyone go home early since he had plans to go out with Griffon. Jack went home to his wife as did Ryan to his. Gavin and I were the last to leave. When we were driving home from my old apartment, after taking the last of the boxes and telling y landlord I was all moved out, I realized Gavin and I didn't make any plans. "Do you want to go out somewhere?" I asked, keeping myself focused on the road. "As long as I'm with my boi, I don't care what we do." I smiled and pulled the car into Gavin's-well now our- driveway. "How about you go take a shower and I'll make us dinner?" I suggested as we both walked towards the front door, carrying all the boxes.

Gavin nodded eagerly and sat down the boxes and went into the bathroom. I sat down the boxes I was carrying and started to decide what to make. Shit. I don't know how to cook. Hope Gav's okay with pizza. I picked up my phone and dialed the closet pizza place and ordered a large pepperoni pizza. Once I sat my phone down, I heard the water turn on. I set out two cups and two plates on the small dining room table. I heard a knock at the door and rushed to answer it. I payed the delivery guy and retrieved the pizza, tipping him extra for delivering on Valentine's Day. I put the pizza box on the counter and put two slices on each of the plates. I quickly searched for a candle, placed it in the center, and lit it. Perfect timing because Gavin walked up to me with his beautiful blue-green eyes shimmering in the candle light.

We both sat down and I smiled at him, taking in his features. His dirty blonde hair was scraggly looking and wet, his eyes were focused on mine, and his chin stumble suited him so well. "Hope pizza's romantic enough." I chuckled. Gavin chuckled back, "Pizza's bloody terrific!" We both dug into our slices and ended up finishing the box. I cleaned up the mess while Gavin was sitting on the couch browsing Netflix for a movie. By the time I sat down next to him, he picked one neither of us had heard of before, but said it looked cool. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he leaned on mine. This is better than the Valentine's Linds and I had.

I kept myself focused on Gavin, watching him as his face changed expressions during some scenes. He must've noticed me staring at him because he turned to look at me. "Wot?" I shook my head and smiled, "Nothing." Gavin pouted, "Tell me." I shook my head, "Nope." Gavin pressed his lips together, "Pleaseee." I shook my head again. "I'm going to get it out of you some way, Micoo." I felt his lips press against mine and shut my eyes, putting my hands on his cheeks. The kiss deepened as he pulled me onto his lap. We shared a few more passionate kisses until we ran out of breath. Our foreheads were pressed together, his arms around my waist, mine around his neck. "I'm glad you're my Valentine." I whispered.

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