Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin-Eater

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I let out a slight growl as Gavin stood up. He had the safest look on his face, but it didn't get to me this time. I rolled my eyes and started walking away. Gavin rushed after me as fast as he could with the limit of his cast, "Micoo please! Wait!" I ignored him as best as I could and kept walking, stumbling a bit. I felt tears build up in my eyes, but I didn't dare let them fall where he could see. We were married for fuck's sake! Why would he do this to me? I rushed past the guys at the bar, pulling out twenty dollars and slapping it on the metal counter right next to Geoff's arm. "Wh- Michael?" Geoff looked over at me with a concerned expression, causing the rest of the crew to worry as well. I didn't look at any of them, except Meg when I passed by her. I didn't just look at her, I walked up to her slamming my fist on the bar next to her. "You fucking whore," I spat through gritted teeth. She pretended to be surprised as I walked off. The other girls that came went over to comfort her. I pushed open the door and walked out of the bar. I went to call a cab, but noticed I used all my money to pay for drinks. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started walking.

"Michael Jones!" I heard a familiar woman's voice yell as I walked. I kept walking. "Michael, stop!" The voice yelled again, I recognized that it was Lindsay. I shrugged her off and kept walking, but I sped up my pace now. I heard her sigh loudly. I felt a drop of water hit my left cheek and I looked up. It wasn't raining. I felt another drop hit my right check. I was started to cry. That fucking asshole. I lifted my glasses and wiped the tears away. I felt sober now. I knew I would remember all of tonight. I looked up and focused on my surroundings. I saw the entrance to our neighborhood. I started to walk faster towards the house. I made my way up to the front door and unlocked it. I slammed the door shut, making sure to lock it back, and rushed into the bathroom. I ripped open the medicine cabinet and pulled out the empty contact box. I almost tore the small cardboard box open. I pulled out the small blade and sighed. This was stupid, I know. I'd be better off smoking cigarettes, but this was my way of coping. I rolled up my sleeves and looked at them. I felt soulless. My left arm was so covered that I couldn't fit any more cuts on it. I switched the blade the my left hand and slid it across my right wrist. I relaxed at the stinging pain.

When I finally felt like I had calmed down, I looked at my wrist. It was bleeding pretty bad and was filled with cuts, but I didn't really care at this point. I felt so terrible, so betrayed. I didn't want to exist. Gavin cheating on me made me feel so.. So empty. I haven't felt this bad since I lived with my father. He made me like this. He was the one who walked in on me when I was thirteen and almost hanged myself. All he did that day was laugh and pulled me to the ground. I scoffed at the thoughts of my father. Then my mind wandered to Gavin. How he cheated on me after we were married. Why do the men in my life always fucking mess with me? My phone rang in my back pocket, breaking the silence and making me jump. I pulled it out with shaking hands and looked at who was calling. It was Geoff. I wasn't mad at him so I answered him. "Michael Vincent Jones, open your door," Geoff demanded. I was taken back by his greeting, "What?" "Your front door, open it." "Why?" "Because I'm standing outside and it's raining." I shoved the blade into the box and put it back in it's hiding spot. "I found the spare key and I'm coming inside," Geoff threatened. My eyes went wide and I immediately looked at my wrist. "Geoff n-" He hung up on me.

I heard the front door open and close and I started to panic. I cleaned off the sink of any blood. A loud knocking on the bathroom door scared me shitless. "Michael, you in there?" I could hear Geoff's voice on the other side of the door. "Y-Yeah, just a minute," I said. My voice sounded really weak. I pulled down my sleeves and opened the door to see Geoff looking really tired. "How are you, buddy?" I didn't look him in the eye. I felt like he knows what I did and I don't want him disappointed in me. "I uh- I'm good. I just- I felt sick so I walked home," I lied. He crossed his arms, "Why did you yell at Meg?" With that simple question my life crumbled. I felt tears form in my eyes. Gavin cheated on me. After all I've done for him. After we got fucking married! Geoff sighed and put a caring hand on my shoulder. That only made me start crying again. Geoff pulled me into a hug and patted my back. He really was the dad I never had. I calmed down a bit a few minutes later. Geoff had me sit on the couch. "Now, can you tell me what happened at the bar?" I looked up at him, "G-Gavin cheated on me." Geoff was taken back, "What? He wouldn't-" "He did. With Meg. I caught them in the bathroom," I explained, feeling the tears come back. "Oh Michael. I'm so sorry," Geoff said, rubbing my shoulder to comfort me.

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