Blanket Forts Are the Best Forts

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Two hours of messing around on a plane later and we had arrived in Los Angeles. "Holy wow it's hot here," Gavin said, as we walked through the airport after stopping at baggage claim to get our things. "What the hell are you talking about? It's literally like fifteen degrees cooler here than it was back in Austin," I shook my head at Gavin. "Wait it is?" Jeremy question. I nodded and pulled out my phone, putting it on the weather app. "Wow," Lindsay said. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and looked in front of me. "Oh hey guys, why don't we stop at that Applebee's?" Jack suggested. We all agreed and walked into the restaurant. We somehow managed to get a table that fit the seven of and ordered our favorites off the menu. We all managed to get beers too. "Oh man, here comes our food," Geoff exclaimed, patting his stomach. I moved my glass out of the way so my plate could fit.

We all split the bill once we finished eating and went off to find the exit of the airport. Once we got out, we had to call two different taxis to hold all seven of us. Geoff, Jack, and Ryan somehow got a hotel down the street from the Dolby Theatre without knowing either one was going to stay there. Lindsay got a room the rest of us rooms at a hotel across the street from the one they were staying at. We all headed off to our hotels and got our keys. I don't know how Geoff, Jack, and Ryan were doing, but I knew this hotel we were staying at was really nice. Lindsay got us all rooms on the same floor. Gavin and I were, of course, sharing a room. Jeremy got the room that was connected to ours and Lindsay got the one across the hall. We all went into our different rooms to get settled in. I tossed mine and Gavin's suitcases off to the side and fell back on the bed. Gavin fell down to the left of me.

 I rolled over onto my side so I was cuddled up next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Gavin," I smirked and started giggling. "Wot?" Gavin questioned, looking at me like I was insane. "We should totally break into Jeremy's room and steal his pillows and shit to make a fort," I kept smirking. Gavin's eyes widen, "Let's do it, boi!" "Wait, wait I have a plan," I stood up and took out my phone and called Lindsay, "Hey, Linds. Can you do me a favor?" "I'm literally across the hall from you. Why did you call me?" "Just take Jeremy downstairs and get a shit-ton of snacks and don't come back up until I give you the word, okay?" "Why?" "Trust me. Oh and give us your key card, alright?" "Uh, sure.." Lindsay sounded really confused, but hung up. I looked at Gavin who was sitting up on the bed smirking. I heard a light knock on our door and a plastic card slipped underneath. I rushed over and picked it up, "Thanks Lindsay."

I put my ear up to the door that separated Jeremy's room from Gavin and I's shared one. I heard a knock as well as a groan from Jeremy. They started talking, but their voices were kind of muffled. "Oh hey Lindsay. What's up?" "Wanna go steal some snacks and look around for a bit with me?" "Sure why not. Did the other guys want anything?" "Yeah, but I know what they like." "Alright, let's go then." Then I heard the door close and footsteps go past our door. I unlocked the door and snuck into Jeremy's room. Gavin helped me drag all his blankets and pillows into our room. We threw them on the floor next to our bed. "Let's go raid Lindsay's room now," I said, holding up her key card. We left our room, leaving the door open, and snuck into Lindsay's. We stole her blankets and pillows as well, putting them on top of Jeremey's. I shut her door after I made sure I still had her key card and we went back into our room. Then Gavin and I changed into our pajamas.

Gavin and I started hanging blankets everywhere, even going into Jeremy's room with them. We tossed the pillows on the floor to make it more comfortable. We even managed to get the television under the blankets so we could all watch a movie or something. Gavin and I's room, as well as Jeremy's room, became one giant blanket fort. We stood back by the door and admired our work. I held up my hand towards Gavin, making it a fist. Gavin did the same with his hand and fist bumped me. There was a knock on the door, scaring me and making me trip over Gavin's foot. "Who's the clumsy one now?" Gavin teased, opening the door. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Hey guys we got y- Holy shit," Jeremy about dropped the things he was holding when he noticed all the blankets behind Gavin. They were already in their pajamas, too. "Uh, where's Michael?" Lindsay asked, looking around the room from the doorway. I waved my hand from the floor and smiled, "Down here."

Jeremy looked down at me. "Hey, Lil J. You can actually look down on me now," I joked. Jeremy frowned, "At least I didn't fall on my ass." "I can change that," I said, getting up. "Hey, hey. No fighting, kids," Lindsay said, chuckling. Gavin stepped out of the way and let them in, "What do you guys think?" Gavin looked so proud of our fort and it was absolutely adorable. Jeremy was still stunned by it. Lindsay looked impressed, "I think the other guys are missing out." I nodded and smiled. "So what did you get?" Jeremy and Lindsay held up their bags. "Beer, candy, and chips," Jeremy said. "Sweet," Gavin said, rubbing his hands together. "Let's hit the fort and watch some movies," I exclaimed. We all burrowed into the fort and turned on the television. We rented some movie that I forgot the name of and ate our snacks. This was going to be a really fun night.

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