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" Come on this is disgusting" I said laughing at Dylan for making an inappropriate sexual comment on my hair.

" I really like them though, it's bold and it will get you nowhere because you look like a troublemaker from about a 10 yard radius" he said and laughed again which earned him a punch in his arm. He acted as if he was hurt but ended up laughing even harder until he had to grab his stomach.

" So have you planned on doing anything with your life just yet?" I asked when he was finally calm.

" Yeah I'll probably attend some courses on learning how to operate a camera" he said and I had to suppress a yawn.

" Your own father can teach you that, he did try thought we were together and I think I learned more things than you did, movie kid" I teased him and it was my turn to laugh with my own comment.

" That's why you helped me with the camera candy carol" we both laughed because we hated referring to each other with our youtube names.

" What about you? What are you going to do with your life" he asked full of curiosity.

" I plan on becoming a legend, my name will be written in history books at some point, I'm also planning on studying architecture and design" I said

" Along with traveling the entire world of course" I said and giggled a little bit because I knew it will be next to impossible.

" Are you planning on starting a war at some point of your life because that's how your name will be written on history books. Now, how about helping me with science huh?" he said and I groaned lying on bed with him. I helped him solve his exercises.

" You know this is where" he started but I cut him off by getting up since I thought I heard someone enter the house.

" Hey mom, did you bring us food?" I asked going down the stairs as she gave me the nuggets and I went upstairs again.

" Food" Dylan almost yelled and we sat down devouring our food like wild animals.

In the end we were lying down I was groaning while grabbing my stomach while Dylan looked perfectly fine. I looked at his wide smile as if it would be the last thing that I would see in the world.

" How do you eat that thing?" I asked, my voice hoarse and my throat was dry.

" It was awesome when are we going to do it again ?" he asked full of excitement and I groaned.

" Never" I said falling asleep.

The next thing I know Dylan is kissing my cheek and I gasp when I realize it's morning and we have to go to school.

" Have a nice day see you in chemistry and history" I said and ran to my friend and she hugged me as we walked inside I quickly grabbed my notebooks for the day and we ran to class, thankfully it hadn't stared yet so I sighed sitting down.

" I just noticed your hair, they're awesome, you should get a tattoo and become a pure bad ass" she said giggling and I sighed closing my eyes

They day was soon done and I met up with Dylan outside my car, I was the first one to arrive and I waited for him while going through my time line on Twitter.

" I had a heart attack" he said and I looked up from my phone squinting and he smiled.

" Someone found out about my channel  and she said she might get an audition for me it's crazy" he said and I rolled my eyes getting in my car as we drove to my house, we were next door neighbors so he went to his house dropped his bag and came in mine, I had made keys for him even though my parents had no idea about it.

I walked to my house and I checked the mail I had less than 6 months to get rejected from UCLA and I finally got a letter. I held my breath while opening it.

" Dear Caroline Abernathy, we have the pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted to our college, moreover since your grades are almost impeccable you have been given a scholarship for the first two years in our school" That was all I read before a wide smile was spread across my face, I was so happy that I accidentally kissed Dylan. No one seemed to move backwards in order to avoid it we just stayed there our lips moving in perfect sync and when I realized what I had done I pulled away with a gasp.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this, I-I should go get some water for both of us" so much for not wanting to shutter in front of him. I went to he kitchen and took a few deep breaths while filling the glasses.

I brought his his glass and I drank mine, I couldn't help but replay what happened a few minutes ago. I helped him with his homework and he helped me make a video I wanted to make. It's always been like that, we always help each other.

We were doing just fine when I got melancholic and stared at the ceiling, what if Dylan forgets about me ? What if we grow apart? What if we become strangers over the years?

" Are you even listening to me?" he asked looking offended but his voice had a hint of amusement making me smile.

" Hey, I will not forget you and I swear we will be closer than ever" he said hugging me and I closed my eyes.


So how do you like the book so far? I personally love it since I know how it's going to unravel and how it will work. Anyway thank you for reading this chapter, and this note and I hope you will continue reading it.

Thank you

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