I wake up to a strong pain in my head. It's not the kind of pain you feel when you hit your head, but more like the kind when there's so much pressure inside your skull that you are immobilized. It's not a good pain.
When it stops, I open my eyes, realizing I'm in an unfamiliar place. I immediately get scared and jerk up, but I'm stopped by restraints on my wrists and ankles. Everything about where I am and how I got here comes back to me. I struggle against the restraints more now, but they won't budge.
"It's no use," a mechanic voice says from behind me. I try to crane my head around to see who it is but I can't.
I hear only footsteps following that statement before the dark hooded figure from before steps into view.
The cell I'm in now is much larger than the one I was held in on the ship. I have no idea where this new cell is, for when they landed the ship they tranquilized me. This must be their base.
While I was in my cell, I tried to remember anything I could about someone that could be a leader like this Kylo Ren. Even though my life as a servant was very non-informing, I overheard many conversations about the First Order. I don't specifically remember hearing this Hooded man's name, but no doubt he's a leader of theirs of some type. I mean, why else would he get the coolest ship?
"So tell me," he begins slowly, my fear building up, but also my curiosity. "Who are you with?"
I give him a look, having no clue what he's talking about.
"I'm with no one," I reply simply, really wanting to cross my arms but realizing there are restraints around my wrists.
"It would be wise not to lie. Are you with the resistance?" He asks, getting closer to me. His voice annoys me.
"No, I'm not with the resistance," I tell him, looking at him in the eyes–or at least where his eyes would be. I can't really see his eyes for the mask he wears covers them.
"I said, you shouldn't lie," he growls, slamming up against where I'm restrained, grabbing my arms at my elbows.
Suddenly, I feel immense pain that paralyzes me. I can't move a single muscle, but my eyes are locked on his mask. I feel sharp pains every now and then, almost as if they're scraping across my brain.
Finally it stops. "You're not with the resistance." He steps away from me and turns his back.
"That's what I said. I have no reason to lie to you," I say quickly, mad about the pain I suffered and exhausted from it. It still lingers.
"Then who are you?" He yells, whipping back around to face me. He is heaving, his breaths causing his shoulders to fall alarmingly quick.
I take a moment to answer him.
"Who are you?"
His movements stop completely when I ask him this question.
"Who am I?" He asks, taking a slow step towards me.
I nod slowly, ignoring the pain in my side.
All of a sudden, he laughs.
"Stupid girl, you don't know who I am?" He asks, laughing some more.
I look at him in annoyance and just wait for him to answer my question.
When he settles down, he moves towards me and closes most of the space between us. I look at him, and suddenly, the pain from before comes back, and I see his hand in front of my face.
After a few seconds, he begins talking but the pain does not go away.
"You came from Uquine, you grew up as a servant, and you ran away. But none of this explains why you defended that child against me," he states, holding his position over me. I whimper as the pain gets worse. "You are actually very intelligent, I wasn't expecting that."
I would be offended by that statement, but I can't seem to feel that emotion due to the pain in my skull and all over my body.
"You have no clue about..." With that, the pain stops and he walks away.
"H-how did you do that?" I ask, my voice shaky.
He shakes his head.
"Who are you?" I yell, my voice cracking with the volume even though it's hardly above a normal talking tone.
Suddenly, he whirls around and walks briskly out of the room.
Hours later, or days later I'm not really sure, two storm troopers come in the room and pull me–not so gently–out of my restraints and drag me from the room. I don't struggle, but not because I don't want to. I have no energy.
I'm dragged through multiple corridors and if I were smart I would be memorizing these hallways but I don't have the energy or patience for that either.
Finally, I'm brought into a room where I see two people discussing something. One of those people is Kylo Ren.
"Lord Ren, general Hux, we've brought the girl," the trooper to my right says.
"Leave her," Kylo Ren instructs, and with that the two troopers drop me and I tumble to the floor.
"You pieces of–" I turn around to curse at them but I'm cut off.
"See? She has a fire about her that could prove...beneficial to our campaign." I look back to see Kylo talking to Hux.
Hux is shorter and smaller than Kylo, and to be quite honest he looks like a rodent. He's not what I would call attractive, but I guess that doesn't matter anyway.
"What could we use her as?" Hux asks Kylo, his eyes looking me over.
"Whatever you or the Supreme Leader see fit. If she has the courage to stand up to me then she must have the courage to fight. She just doesn't know how."
Hux nods, turning away from me and Kylo.
"Do with her what you wish for now, we'll discuss this more later," he says simply, going to a window and looking out of it.
Kylo turns towards General Hux before turning back to me and walking in my direction. I want more than anything to scramble backwards and get away from him, but that would show my weakness. At this point I know he's already seen that and he's seen my defiance so I might as well show the stronger side. I hold my chin high as he approaches me.
"Stand," he says to me, motioning with his hand for me to get up.
I slowly do so, trying to keep my balance. My body is weakened from all the current events.
"You don't know how to fight," Kylo states as if he knows. Well if he already knows about my planet I guess he could know about that too. "You will learn."
"What makes you think that?" I say, almost instantly regretting it.
Kylo lifts his hands and I feel myself being suffocated. I try desperately to get air through my windpipes but nothing is working.
"You will also learn to control your attitude with me and everyone else on this ship," he growls, lowering his hand. Suddenly, I can breathe again and I drop to the floor, sucking in as much oxygen as possible.
He grabs my arm and yanks me up, pushing me to walk forward. He takes me through halls just like I had been brought to him before returning me to the same cell as I had been in before.
Hello! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully soon Lyra will get to see what's behind the mask...aka A REALLY HOT GUY.
That is all.

Break (A Kylo Ren Fanfic)
Fanfiction"You will give into me," his masked figure says in its electronic tone. The increasing pressure I feel in my skull is a direct result of the power he is wielding with his hand. I grit my teeth, unable to move my jaw enough to speak. The glare in my...