I'm a sobbing mess when the door opens. I don't even turn to look who's coming through the door, I just quiet my crying slightly.
My tears progressed to ones of actual terror and once they started I couldn't get them to stop. It's almost as if all of the worries and fears I've had since the moment I met Kylo is coming to
The surface and adding to my anxiety."Hey." I look up from my hands to see Argon standing next to me, a confused look on his face. I bring my face down again and wipe away tears from my eyes in a futile attempt to dry my face and stop crying. "You okay?"
I look at him, staring into his dark eyes for a moment. He actually looks caring, a stark difference from his apathy earlier when I tried being nice to him.
I don't respond to him so he talks again. "Where's that smile you showed me earlier?"
This shocks me.
I stare at him, sniffling a little bit before a small smile creeps onto my face.
"That's better," he says before offering me his hand.
I take his hand and stand up before quickly dropping his hand and my eyes. He begins to walk towards the door.
"You know you're safe here, right?" He turns back to lock eyes with my for this statement.
I stare back at him blankly, confused. I begin to wonder if I could find comfort in this man while I stay here. A comfort I have a deep-seeded need for.
"Can you just—just try not to be an asshole to me for once?" I snarl at Kylo, pulling my shirt over my body as I watch him walk towards the door. "Nothing I say or do ever seems to be enough for you."
Kylo scoffs at me as he look back towards me, adjusting his cape over his shoulders.
"Lyra, you'll soon learn that no matter how close you may ever think you are to someone or something, you are always alone in this life."
His words shock me. I stare back at him with a bit of confusion and a bit of denial.
He continues. "No matter who you work for, no matter who your family is, no matter who you think you love or who you think loves you, no one is ever on your side. The sooner you learn that the sooner you live without hurt."
I'm a bit taken aback by his words and I look at him with hurt in my eyes.
"Always watch your back. Never let anyone too close. And never trust anyone. No one is for you." And with that, he leaves the room.
"Someone once told me that I was always on my own. That no one was on my side," I tell him blandly as I drop his hand, suppressing the memories of Kylo that try to flood my mind.
Argon looks back at me as he contemplates what I just said. His mouth opens as if he's about to say something more, but then he closes his mouth again.
After a few moments, the space between us is closed as he takes a step forward and leans down to my ear. "If it counts for anything, I'm on your side."
I step back at his words, shocked for a second as I look up into his eyes.
"Come on, I have to take you back to your room," Argon states, turning away from me and opening the door. I walk through the door after he motions me through.
"How long will I be locked in this time?" I say in a snarky tone before I realize how harsh it sounded. Well that's definitely a strike.
He looks sideways at me as we begin to walk, an amused smirk on his face.
"Not too long, I don't think. I'm supposed to retrieve you for dinner tonight with the elders." He informs. I raise my eyebrows, acting nervous about the encounter. In all reality I am a little nervous. But I guess that's the fun of this mission.
Thinking about how this is a mission reminds me of another duty.
"Will you be attending?" I ask him, giving him hopeful eyes.
"Probably not. I don't really have a reason to," is his short reply.
"Are you not allowed to go?" I ask quietly, looking down to watch our feet as they walk over the ground beneath us.
"Oh I could go if I wanted to."
"Then go. Please? It would make me feel better about it," I ask, looking up at him with big eyes.
He stops and I follow suit. He again looks like he's thinking pretty hard.
So we continue walking towards my holding room where I will sit until dinner. Hopefully, I can slowly seep my way into his head and get him fully on my side. He might have said he was on my side already, but I need him fully believing in me and who I say I am.
"Well, I'll come get you when it's time for dinner. Someone is most likely going to bring you clothing to wear so you can expect that," Argon says when we reach the holding room. I turn to look at him as we stop in front of the door.
I nod at him, not moving to walk into the room.
"Thank you," I say, looking at the ground to seem shy. I look back up at him and lift my hand to touch his arm. "For...helping..."
He flinches slightly when I touch his arm but then it's almost as if he leans into is after he looks down at my hand.
"Yeah, um, no problem," he replies, and I remove my hand from his arm because he seems...uncomfortable?
"I'll see you at dinner, then?" I ask, changing the subject.
"Yeah," he says curtly before opening the door to the holding room for me.
I nod before walking in and looking back at him for a second before he gives me a small smile and closes the door.
Woah. I finally updated.
Sorry does not even begin to describe how I feel about leaving you guys hanging for so long. :(
But I am in engineering school and I have a job and I'm involved with clubs and church and I just haven't found the time to write but HERE I AM AND HOPEFULLY I WILL MAKE TIME NOW :)
I honestly thought about making the story of Lyra on the new planet a whole desperate book but idk what you guys think. Do you think the plot in this story is strong enough for it to be done soon or do you think there still needs to be a definite climax?
Comment where you think I'm going with this storyline :)
Love you guys and if you're still reading this story you're the real MVP!!

Break (A Kylo Ren Fanfic)
Fanfiction"You will give into me," his masked figure says in its electronic tone. The increasing pressure I feel in my skull is a direct result of the power he is wielding with his hand. I grit my teeth, unable to move my jaw enough to speak. The glare in my...