"I can't believe you," I growl out to Kylo, absolutely enraged that he has me tied down to this chair. He watches with a slightly amused expression on his face before turning away from me and heading towards the door.
"You'll live," he says tonelessly as he opens the door. Before he exits, he turns back and smirks at me. "If you do well you will be rewarded."
"Rewarded?" I scoff, rolling my eyes as I scramble to get out of the position I am in.
A silence passes between us before he flashes me a smile, leaving before locking the door from the outside.
I screech, frustrated with this entire situation.
You need the practice, he said.
It'll teach you patience, he said.
It'll build your stamina, he said.
Bullshit, I say. How ridicule of a plan even is this?
I came to training today ready to learn some survival skills for when I had to trek from the wreckage of my plane to the civilized area of the mission planet.
What I got was Kylo tying me down to a chair.
At first I conformed because I had thought it was him being kinky I something but when I saw the look on his face, I knew this was no game. It was definitely not going to be anything kinky.
I immediately started resisting him, demanding to know why the hell he was tying me down to a chair. I knew for a fact I hadn't been too terribly out of place by disrespecting him or anyone else, so I saw no logical reason for me to be tied down to a chair for training.
He proceeded to tell me that I could be captured and detained in a similar way. He told me that I would have to find my own way out of this room on my own time.
When I argued with telling him that I could be in here for an endless amount of time, he countered by telling me that I would learn how to function without any form of sustenance. That shut me up really quick, for I was scared that I could be in here for a really long time without food or water.
Of course my silence only lasted a few seconds before I started stringing curses at him for the stupid idea.
He told me he would see me in a few days if I got out by then.
I was definitely screwed. I have never had to do anything like this.
As I watch him walk out the door, I think of ways I can get back him later when I get out of this dumb predicament.
It took me four days to get out of that mess. I thought that I would be able to easily get out of those restraints, as they were no where near as intricate and harsh as the ones I had been used to in the holding cell.
I was wrong.
I was incredibly wrong. As soon as I thought I had figured it all out, I would come up without result and I couldn't even get one of my hands free.
The first night was terrible. I was so hungry and I wanted water so bad that I was in pain, but that was only the beginning.

Break (A Kylo Ren Fanfic)
Fanfiction"You will give into me," his masked figure says in its electronic tone. The increasing pressure I feel in my skull is a direct result of the power he is wielding with his hand. I grit my teeth, unable to move my jaw enough to speak. The glare in my...