Ever since the little incident in training, I show up to training everyday with only a bra and my black training pants on. This has caused tension between Kylo and I, but I'm not positive what kind of tension it really is.
He hardly ever talks to me anymore and only does so to instruct me. It's unnerving, knowing that my behavior has caused this but I find it too interesting to stop and actually wear a shirt.
I have a newfound confidence after dressing this way because most of the time, I walk to and from training dressed this way and I get looks from privates and storm troopers. As much as I figured I wouldn't enjoy that kind of attention, it's more attention than I used to ever get and its empowering.
As I'm on my way to today's training, I bump into someone, falling over completely.
"Sorry, I didn't see you there, miss..." He trails off, not knowing my name as he offers me his hand to help me up. When I turn to look at him, I see the leather of his jacket with the First Order symbol on it, showing me he's a pilot.
"Oh, I'm Lyra," I tell him, taking his hand as he pulls me to a standing position. He rests his hand on the back of my elbow.
"Well, I am very sorry, Miss Lyra," he says again.
"No trouble, really, it was my fault," I tell him, using a submissive tone of voice I was so used to back in my home system. I smile at him politely.
"Oh, but it was my fault. I should pay attention so I don't knock the one person around here with a smile on their face over."
His comment makes my grin go wider. He's the most casual person I've met since being on the Star Killer. To add to that, he's not hard to look at.
"Well a little smile goes a long way..." I trail off, trying to get his name from him.
"Oh! I'm Bane, fighter pilot for the First Order," he says, his hand letting go of my elbow. He holds his hand out and I take it and we shake.
"Nice to meet you Bane," I tell, dropping his hand. I stare at him as he smiles at me.
"You as well, Lyra. I hope to see your smile around," he replies, touching my waist slightly before he continues on his way.
For the rest of my walk to the training room, I don't think of anything except my encounter with Bane. He had such a lovely attitude and it was refreshing seeing as everyone else around here seemed to have a pole stuck up their arse.
I walk into the training room, barely noticing Kylo stretching on the other side of the room. I set my water bottle down before grabbing three knives from the wall.
Although these are hardly used, I quite enjoy throwing them at a target.
Holding two of them in my left hand, I focus on my target, standing directly in front of it on the opposite side of the room.
Taking a deep breath, I throw the first knife, hitting the target slightly to the left of where I intended. It wouldn't be a fatal hit if it were a person. Not that I ever intend on wanting to fatally wound someone.
My thoughts still slightly clouded, I continue to throw knives, grabbing different types and sizes from the wall.
Every time, I miss my target by only a little bit. I grunt, throwing another knife without focusing on the target.
Before it makes its way across the room, it stops mid-air. My eyes dart over to Kylo.
"You must focus, Lyra. You are distracted," Kylo says, a frown on his face.
Bane was right, there are no smiles around here. I should have realized that sooner of course.
"Tell me, you have warm feelings. Who for?"
I scrunch my eyebrows at him. "What are you talking about?"
Suddenly, the knife I threw earlier clatters to the floor and Kylo makes his way towards me.
"I sense you have an attraction towards someone," he says, getting close to me.
This is the first time in a few days he's really spoken to me in full sentences and I'm actually glad. I don't like his silent form.
"Well it's not you if that's what you were wondering," I tell him with a snarky tone, crossing my arms over my chest.
I'll admit, I only did that to give my breasts an extra lift.
He rolls his eyes. "Oh, so you are thinking of someone?"
"That's none of your business," I tell him, cocking a hip. I feel my major sass coming through.
"Actually, it is. I decided to let you live so you are my business," he says, stepping even closer to me.
"Well, if you must know, it's one of your pilots," I tell him flatly. He glares at me.
"You are not to have any kind of affair with anyone here. This isn't a matchmaking base," he orders.
"Oh, stop. You're just jealous because you're like thirty something and probably haven't ever had someone to be romantic with," I snarl, not knowing if that's true at all. He practically growls in response.
"You don't know anything about me!"
"So easily riled up, Ren. Maybe you need someone to balance you out," I respond quickly, closing the remaining space between us. "Except you would probably run them off or kill them, one."
Within seconds, I hear his light saber ignite and he has me shoved up against the weapon wall with the saber impossibly close to my bare flesh.
"If you don't learn to control your tongue, you'll find yourself on the floor in two separate halves," he growls in my ear, pressing his body up against mine.
I look into his eyes, refusing to soften my glare but not dating to speak.
We stand like this, glaring at each other without moving an inch. I still feel the burn of his saber near my shoulder and I want to shy away but I want him to know how brave I am.
As I start to wonder how long this will last, Kylo deactivates his light saber and takes a step back. He gives me one more look before walking away, grabbing his helmet and cloak.
He leaves the room.
Who should I cast as Bane?
And yes I used a Star Wars name generator to come up with that.
If this gets 15 votes I'll update 1500+ word chapter by Wednesday.
You know I usually don't like when authors do that but it's actually a good idea so yeah.
Any suggestions?
I wanted to humanize the First Order since a lot of views on it are mechanical and sinister. They're human and they have feelings. They just really enjoy destruction and all that fun stuff. Do you agree?

Break (A Kylo Ren Fanfic)
Fanfiction"You will give into me," his masked figure says in its electronic tone. The increasing pressure I feel in my skull is a direct result of the power he is wielding with his hand. I grit my teeth, unable to move my jaw enough to speak. The glare in my...