When I come to, it happens slowly and then all at once because once I'm conscious enough to know that I'm waking up, I realize that I fell asleep in the middle of nowhere.
My eyes pop open and I look around frantically, finding myself in an unfamiliar place. I sit up straight, noticing that I had been laying down on a cot.
The room I'm in looks like a small make-shift shelter made with tarps hanging around a base structure. The tarps flow around due to the wind. Besides the cot I'm in, there is a little chair at the end of the cot and on the opposite side of the room there is a table with bowls stacked on them and portions sitting beside them.
My stomach hurts seeing the portions on the table but I push the thought out of my mind.
The room has small trinkets hanging from the ceiling that make the room seem smaller but more like a home.
Why am I here? Who brought me here?
Just as I'm about to get off of this cot and leave to find out how far I am from the main town, a old woman comes through the door, carrying a large staff with her. I freeze in place.
She looks at me curiously while I stare back at her with wide eyes.
I'm sure I could take her down if I was nourished and given some water, but with the state I'm in, I doubt I could even stand up steadily.
"How are you feeling?" The woman asks, not moving her eyes from mine. I can't bring any words to reply to her.
She mutters something under her breath before repeating her former question in a different language.
"I-I'm—" I try to respond, but my throat is burning so I stop and begin to cough harshly.
I have to take my eyes off of her to hunch over to cough. The coughs rack my body and are so painful that I have to squint my eyes closed.
Soon, I feel a hand on my arm and I jerk up, becoming defensive. I relax when I see the woman next to me with a small container of water held out to me. I look at her cautiously before reaching out for the container. She hands it to me but guides it to my mouth.
As soon as the liquid touches my throat, I greedily down the rest of it, whimpering when the water is all gone.
I give the container back to the woman, looking at her with softer eyes.
"Thank you," I say quietly, my throat not burning as much with these words.
She stares at me, but it not in an apprehensive way. It's more curious than anything.
I don't feel like I should be on the defensive around her so it's okay for me to relax.
"Who are you," she asks me softly, standing up and walking away from me.
"Um, my name is Lyra. I escaped...I escaped th-them by accident," I say, letting my voice crack and looking around as if someone I'm afraid of could be listening to what I say. She watches everything I do so my acting starts now.
"Escaped from who?" She asks, grabbing some food and mixing it in a bowl.
I look around again as if I'm scared of who could be listening.
I look back her, pleading with my eyes for her not to make me answer. I put on the best scared face as if I'm terrified of the very thought of the First Order.
She stares back at me, giving me a confused look as she tries to figure out why I'm not responding to them.
"The F-first Order. They...I escaped," I say, fidgeting where I'm seated. Honestly the nervousness is real, not acted here because I'm scared that I'm not being convincing enough.
Her eyes grow wide as she takes in my words before she rushes to my side.
"Listen dear, you are safe from them here. We can provide protection to keep you out of their eyes if that is what you want," she whispers as if it's the biggest secret I must keep. It almost makes me feel regret knowing that this is all an act for me.
"They c-can't get me. They can't," I reply frantically, acting as though they've already found me as I act scared. I let my hands shake as I look at her and let tears form in my eyes.
"They won't. I'll take you into the city and they'll know what to do. They hate the First Order as much as you do. They will keep you safe."
I have to admit, guilt is trying to build up in me.
I don't know how much truth her words hold, but she seems genuine. If this system is really so against the First Order that they would protect a complete stranger from the eye of their rulers, they must really be devoted. Meaning there could be resistance members here. With all of this I feel a little dirty acting as if I hate the First Order as well only to betray them and reveal them to Kylo.
This is what I'm here for.
I can't help but feel like a terrible being. I know how bad some of the things that the First Order does are.
I'm on the side of the first order, I have to remind myself. I've devoted my loyalty to them and I will carry out my mission.
"Eat up," the woman tells me, shoving food in my grasp. "You're too weak to travel to the city now but we will get you there soon."
I smile at her, still acting a little shy and scared as if I'm not sure I believe that she could protect me.
The real question though is can they protect themselves from me.
"Lyra, you are a naturally compassionate person. But you cannot get attached to anyone. They will turn on you so fast. If they know you are with us they will kill you. Feel no remorse for what you do. If they are not with us they are against us and it is your job to find out whose side they are on. I will let nothing—no one—get in my way of ruling this galaxy correctly and eradicating the Jedi. "
Guys I'm getting so excited about this book :)
So I'll be posting the first chapter of the second Kylo Ren book that I may be writing after I finish this one up and when I do I would love for you guys to vote on which one I should write first!
So if you could, go check out History, the first of the choices and let me know what you think of it in the comments there!
Let me know what you think of this in the comments here please! I love yalls feedback and I'm trying to do my best to reply to a lot of comments now!
Also go check out my plot shop if you're wanting any ideas for writing!

Break (A Kylo Ren Fanfic)
Fanfiction"You will give into me," his masked figure says in its electronic tone. The increasing pressure I feel in my skull is a direct result of the power he is wielding with his hand. I grit my teeth, unable to move my jaw enough to speak. The glare in my...