Chapter 1- New Starts

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Three years had now passed, and my college room mate's brother, Finn G., was my modelling agent. It was pretty uncalled-for of me to join the modelling industry in a quick blink of an eye.

I did shoots for Pandora and H&M's winter shoot. Yes, life's divine to be able to receive so many opportunities that I'd never get, if it weren't for Finn G., the man responsible for my job as a model.

I live in Vancouver in a two-floored apartment by myself. Yes, without any company. I rarely call or visit my family, which makes me overwhelmed with guilt. Oh, and remember Wren, Gunther and Lainey? I lost all contact with them now, and we don't keep in touch.

Till this day forward, I still miss their presence. Seven days in Canada, and our bond was broken up. And the tall metal-singer that I fell head-over-heals for? You've guessed it, he was gone for good. He wasn't dead, but I lost track from him.

But his band, Asking Alexandria surfaced the internet a lot, and I gotta say, their fanbase grew rapidly over the years.

From a 'just for fun' band to a serious full-time band that hit Triple Platinum in the U.S alone, and being guest stars on the Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon. I'm proud of the boys, they seemed to have matured up, and seemed to tour a lot lately.

My mom Skype called me yesterday at noon of a shocking news that really effected the family. The news that was too hard to swallow for everyone. It was that my dad had an affair with his 'work partner', Jude.

That was why he missed my graduation, because he had to be in hospital because Jude was about to give birth to a baby girl, 'Jenny.' Since now I have a four year-old step sister I just knew about until yesterday, I felt betrayed and angered by my dad. I don't hate Jenny one bit, but I can't even look at my dad for all the lies.

As I heard from the now 14 year old Lillian, that Wren came back to his old neighbourhood, and shared the amazing news that he was a heart surgeon, sadly with no wife nor children. Only a baby lizard he called Larry. Good lad, hope he's doing fine.

My phone buzzed and the caller ID read 'Finn G'. I answered quickly, and pushed the speaker button.

"Hello" I said, faking my enthusiasm. "Hi Carina" he greeted. "I just had a photographer calling me, gushing about you. Well, he wants you to be his model for the new Cotton On shoot in Melbourne, Australia!" He piped, causing me to squeal.

"Finn! More Details!" I squirmed. "Well, on March the 12th, and you know, Melbourne" he chuckled. "You're coming, aren't you?" I asked Finn. "Yes, I am!" He exclaimed. We cheered through the call.

"Love you lots dear, but I've got to order Chicken Chow Meng for my husband and book our tickets to Australia" and with that he ended the call. With Finn G. talking about food, made my stomach grumble.

I slipped on my 'Fries Before Guys' shirt and my denim ripped jeans. I ran a comb through my hair, and applied a few amount of make up on my face.

I wore my black converse shoes, and brought my purse along with me. I strolled around the streets of Vancouver until a group of girls hovered over me. "Carina! Carina Fanning" the adolescent cheered, hyperventilating and grinning.

"Hi there, sweetie" I said, faking my enthusiasm. "Can we take a picture of you with us? Please?" Another girl with snakebites and purple hair asked. "Sure thing guys! Let's pose!" I cheered, making the girls giggle.

The girl with purple hair structured her phone on a selfie stick, and I smiled for the picture. They took three pictures, then giggled. "Thank you so much Carina! You look really pretty!" A girl with blonde hair chirped.

"You're welcome and thank you! You girls look beautiful as well!" I complimented. "Now, you guys have a good day" I waved them off, causing them to squeal.

I looked over at some graffiti art on the brick walls, and saw posters sealed on the walls. I pulled one out, and examined it. "ASKING ALEXANDRIA LIVE IN VANCOUVER, 3rd OF MARCH" it read out. My mouth gaped in disbelief. I threw it mid-air, trying to keep the boy out of my mind.

I entered a Vegetarian restaurant and ordered a plate of Egg Salad. I'm not a vegetarian, I was just short on money. Me, being my stupid self, forgot to bring my purse that had my credit card and money, and brought the one with only loose change. So now I had to rely on money in my jeans which had ten dollars tucked in it.

I finished my meal, and felt my stomach satisfied. The whole day, my mind was on Asking Alexandria.

I wanted to meet them so badly, but was scared that I'd anger them for my presence. But yet again, I needed to. I hope they're fine with that. 'What the heck', I thought to myself, 'buy the damn tickets.


"Hello?" I started the call. "Hi ma'am, how may I help you?" a feminine voice answered.

"I was wondering if you had any more tickets for Asking Alexandria?" I asked her. "Please wait a second, ma'am" She paused me.

I heard the sound of the keyboard being tapped. "You're lucky ma'am, one ticket left, for ninety dollars" she giggled. Reasonable price for a big band.

"Alright, can I buy that ticket please?" I asked. "Yes!" she said, enthusiastically.

I'm getting to meet my ex's band in three more days.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now