Chapter 5- Have Faith In Me

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After the tense yet awkward encounter with the AA boys, I left. And the worst part of it was, I couldn't help but cry to myself about it. It was really painful— we want to be together, but we can't. I never had to deal with so much heart break.

I sniffled, and rubbed my eyes. I made a small puddle forming on my pillow case and I groaned. I hated every single bit about love.

I felt my phone vibrate on my night stand and I grumbled. I answered the call and pressed the speaker option. "Hi, Carina" the voice that belongs to Finn G. says.

"Hi" I said, my voice sounding raspy. "Are you okay?" He asked me in concern. "Mhm,never been better" I answered.

"Anyway, I called you to tell you our flight takes off at 5 a.m, so you better be there at 1 a.m." He informed.

"Whoa" I breathed. "That's pretty early" I remarked. "Yes it is, now I'll have to go. Love you lots!" He exclaimed, not even letting me say a goodbye. That was so Finn G. like.

// fast forward //

"Flight ah7009 takes flight in fifteen minutes" the speaker bursts out. Finn G. and I instantly panicked as we rushed our way. We dragged our luggages up on board, and sighed when we reached the plane.

"It's exhausting" he breathed. "Yeah, I know" I sighed. "Next time when you try to go to Australia, try not to sneak food in" I giggled. "Yeah, what's that all about?" He scoffed.

"You're not allowed to bring foods to Australia" I reminded him. To bad we had to abandon the pack of M&Ms. "All passengers must fasten their seat belts" the air hostess warned. We buckled our seatbelt, and sighed in unison.

Since I was leaning against the window, I decided to snap a few pictures of the view outside. It was really dark since it was early, and I could just fall sleep for the whole ride. Finn G. and I also decided to stop over at New Zealand for three days.

Sleep soon catches me, despite the fact that the plain rude was bumpy and rough. I plugged my earphones into my ears, and listened to Asking Alexandria. Because listening to Denis singing was all I needed.

"Carina!" A voice yelped. I groaned, and lifted my head up. I saw Finn G. crossing his arms while an air hostess smiled at me awkwardly. "She was asking you if you wanted some ice cream" he huffed.

"Yes, strawberry or chocolate chip flavored?" She asked sweetly. "Strawberry flavored ice cream please?" I asked sheepishly. She handed me it, and flashed me an obvious fake smile. "Thank you" I mumbled.

"Oh! I forgot to ask you something" I faced Finn, who stabbed the ice cream harshly with his plastic spoon. "Fuck, this ice cream is hard as shit!" He growled. "Oh— what is it dear?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you knew Asking Alexandria" I said, my voice crackling. "Oh, yes darling. Why do you ask?" He returned me with a question.

"Well, I used to be— uh.. In a relationship with the lead singer" I fully admitted, making his facial appearance from blank to stunned. "You don't say! That's why the media has been blowing up a theory about you and him!" He exclaimed.

"Really?" I asked in utter shock. "Take a look for yourself honey, but don't look into my text messages with my hubby" he joked. Honestly, Finn G. and his boyfriend were the cutest couple ever.

'Model Carina Fanning found cozying up with Metal star Denis Stoff'

'FAN states seeing the two having a heated session in a hotel in Vancouver'

'CONFIRMED: Model Carina Fanning impregnated by Asking Alexandria's frontman.'

All the news feed stressed me out. I hope Denis is aware of this. Hell, I've been told by the media that I was pregnant. Living in the eyes of the media makes me want to shut myself off from reality sometimes.

"Carina, let's forget about this, and just focus on brighter things, okay? For your next shoot for Cotton On, you have to look empowering and graceful. Got that?"


"Perfect!" The photographer cheered. "Chloe, lean on Alistair's shoulder and fake a blush. Carina, smile more firmly" he instructed. I was smiling ear-to-ear and my cheekbones ached. The flash lights flickered, and I tried not to blink.

"Alright" he clapped. "That covers up today's shoot. I want to thank everyone for posing for a solid six hours" he clapped, storming off of the studio.

I sighed, and grabbed my bottle of water. From out of the blue, Chloe came up to me. "Hi" she greeted, in her sweet French accent. "Oh- hi" I flashed her a smile.

"Good job on today's shoot" she winked, playfully. "Thanks Chloe, you did great as well" I complimented. She giggled, and glanced over at Alistair.

"So, are the rumors true, about you and Denis?" She chuckled. "No" I said flatly. "We did have something, but three years later, it turned out to become nothing" I frowned.

"But do you like him?" She asked me. "I believe that's an understatement" I let out a soft, pained laughter. "Then fight for him, fight for love" she urged.

"B-but" I stammered. "Look, love is something most of us live for. It may sound useless to you now, but when you look back when you're lucky in love, you'd thank your past-self for fighting for love" she said, patting my back.

Maybe I should do that, fight for love. All we need right now is faith,

I'd have faith in him, and he'd have faith in me. It was right in front of me all along. If it weren't for Chloe, I wouldn't have been triggered into fighting.

"Chloe" I called her name. She paused and faced me with a sweet smile. "Yes?" She asked, with kindness in her voice.

"Thank you" I said, sincerely. Alright, Carina...

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now