Chapter 4- Caraphernelia

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"Don't cry, please" he begged. With him being so caring, it was harder to stop. I felt my throat burn. "It's all my fault!" I cried out. "I shouldn't have left England! I shouldn't have moved to Canada!" I shouted.

"Carina, c'mon now, don't take the blame all on you!" He soothed. "I left you." I said. He flinched from my words. There, we stood in bitter silence.

"Carina, we did those things for the best. If it weren't for moving to Canada, you wouldn't have your job!" He tried to enlighten me.

"It's stressful" I admitted. He was the first one I expressed my feelings towards about my job. He was approachable, in my eyes.

"Carina, every job is stressful" he sighed. "Hmm.. I know.." I said softly. "Let's go for coffee" he offered.

"It's alright, I don't want to bother you" I insisted. "No, I honestly want to talk to you" he said firmly. "Well, if you say so.."

We drove my car to a place. "The coffee here's great. Plus, my hotel room's here" he pointed out. I nodded my head. "I could just order the coffee and they'd bring it up to my room" he said. He gestured me into his room.

The place was nice. It gave the resters a perfect view of Vancouver's view of the tall buildings and the sky. I looked up, just to see that my apartment was close to here.

Silly me... He noticed me peaking through the curtains and smiled at me lovingly.

I turned to face Denis, who patted a spot on his bed. "Come on love, don't be shy. You've slept with me before" he said smugly, with a wink. What a cocky bastard.

I laid there, while Denis spooned me on the bed. To be honest, I would be uncomfortable. But it's different, because I was under his arms.

"I remember when I was eighteen and we were together" he sighed. "Back when I could call you mine" he added gloomily.

"But things have changed now, you know we can't" I pointed out. "We can't but we want to" he said, I can't agree less with him.

I turned to face him. He looked pained. 'Let's try something crazy' I thought to myself, and gave him a kiss on the lips, this time.

"You couldn't imagine how long I've waited for you to do that" he said huskily, deepening the kiss. He flipped us, so now he was on top of me, and he ran his fingers through my hair. I felt my cravings slowly wash away.

To break the heated scene, a knock was on our door. I heard Denis grumble as he doing the door open. There stood Ben, Sam, James and Cameron.

Ben noticed me, and quickly jumped on to me and gave me a hug. "Oh my god, Carina! You're alive!" He screamed. "Shh" Sam hissed. "People already complaint about our noise" he grumbled.

"Uh, guys. I'm gonna go take a shower" Denis pointed out. "A hot or cold shower?" James smirked. "Shut up.." He groaned, slamming the bathroom door.

"So, what brings you here?" Cameron asked in full curiosity. "He invited me here" I told them. "Are you two together?" Ben asked.

"No" I said, plainly. It hurt, but it's true. I have my life, and he had his'. Maybe the kiss wasn't necessary, because it'd bring more tension between us. They all looked at me empathetically. It was awkward.

"How about you and your best friends?" Sam asked. "I never had a best friend since we drifted away from each other" I frowned.

"From what I've heard, Gunther and Wren are pretty close" he informed. "To be deadly honest, I was pretty isolated ever since I moved into Canada" I stated.

"So you weren't close to anyone for the last three years?" Cameron asked me in utter disbelief. "No, I was pretty close to my modeling manager, Finn G." I told them.

"Finn G?" They all chorused. "Yes" I giggled. "No way, he's like... The best person ever!" Ben cheered. "He used to help us for our band shoot!" Sam chimed in.

I smiled at them awkwardly. "Have you heard from anyone else from school?"'I tried to break the silence. "Yeah, Harper Collins. She works at a sex hotline" Ben giggled.

"Wait, how did you know?" I furrowed my brows. "I called it for the sake of it, and heard Harper's voice" Ben laughed historically.

Denis came out, and sat on the bed. We didn't do anything touchy though. "So Denis. Any girls in mind?" Cameron teased.

He gazed into my eyes, and sighed sadly. "I do, but I can't have her" he grumbled. Boy, thanks Cameron, you grade-a prick.

"And why is that?" Sam grimaced.

"Because, we live in different sides of the world but we can't keep our mind off of each other. It's painful she because she has her own life while I have mine's"

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now