Chapter 12- Helena

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I was like the revenant; the media hadn't heard about for weeks now, and I kind of died down for a short period of time. But when I decide to feel the need to pace around the streets of Vancouver, I'd need time to think about it.

'Carina, you should free yourself from your apartment' Denis urged. 'I— I don't know...' I trailed off. 'Wear a big jumper, it'd be fine' he suggested. I sighed, finally, at last, giving in. 'Yeah' I said softly.

'What was that?' He smirked, inching towards me. 'I said I'll go' I said, blushing and looking away. 'I can't hear you..' His smirked spread wider across his face. 'Shut up..' I said, swatting his chest.

My baby bump grew, and I feel that it was harder to hide the fact that I was pregnant. 'I'm going with you' he grimaced, 'Alright, just keep a low profile' I said sternly.

I went to the shops to buy some food, and I tucked it in the boot of my car. 'Carina?' Denis called out my name. I turned to face him. 'Do you think that we can check the baby's gender?' He asked. I shrugged.

I've gone through at least sixteen weeks of pregnancy, I presume that we could. 'There's a local hospital nearby, so why not?' I said. His face lightened up.


The doctor rubbed some cold ointment all over my baby bump, and then the doctor looked through the projector that displayed a picture of my little baby in my stomach. My mouth gaped at the sight of that.

Small tears formed in my eyes, it was indeed a mother's treasure to see their tiny baby— regardless of it being displayed on a screen. 'Excuse me, Miss Fanning, I'll just come back with the results' the doctor smiled weakly at me.

'Okay' I chirped. I looked down at the floor and hesitated for a while. Denis rubbed my hand in circular motion and smiled. 'Have you thought of a baby name yet?' He asked me. 'Yeah, I had' I answered shyly.

'Spill!' He exclaimed. 'If the baby's a girl, I'd call her Anthea. If the baby's a boy, I'd call him Marco' I answered firmly. 'I like those names, real classy' he chuckled lightly.

The doctor came out, with a piece of paper in his hands. 'Congratulations you two, it's a girl' he cheered. My smile spread across my face as my heart pounded rapidly. 'Baby Anthea, it is then' he smirked.


I walked through the hallways, and stumbled across a board. Their stood a schedule that had all the nurses' names on a table, with their pictures glued on the side. There stood a girl with short strawberry blonde hair that ended below her collarbone, with grey-looking eyes.

And her name— Lainey Green. My jaw dropped. 'Denis' I piped. 'Look at this!' I shrieked, pointing at Lainey's name. He studied it for a while, then he soon noticed what he was looking at. 'Oh my fucking God!' He gasped.

We just had to dash up to the counter, where a lady stood there. 'Hello, is Nurse Lainey Green here?' I asked politely. 'Yes! Nurse Lainey is always here! Would you like to meet her?' She asked brightly. 'Yes' I smiled.

Moments later, a girl in blue shorts and a shirt, walked slowly to my direction. Her face hasn't aged one bit. 'CARINA!' She squealed, running up to me, and tackling me into a hug. 'Whoa, easy there' I chuckled.

She laughed, and hugged me tighter. 'Seriously Lainey, stop' I giggled. 'There's a baby in there' I said. 'Oh my god! Oh my god!' She panicked in zeal. 'My god Den, is that you?' She asked. 'Hey Lainey' he waved.

Being Lainey Green, of course she hugged him tightly. He awkwardly hugged her back. 'And you are the baby daddy..?' She assumed. 'Correct' he grinned.

'Congrats' she smiled kindly, 'Also for your success on your new album, I'm really proud' she added. 'Thanks, Lain' he smiled.

'I've seen you modeling, Cari. Gotta say, you've grown up so much' she squealed. 'Thanks, Lain. So, any boys you interested in lately?' I asked with a smirk.

'Actually, I've identified myself as an asexual' she said proudly and firmly. 'I'm happy for you, Lain. I'm glad' I hugged her once again. 'Have you thought of a name for the baby yet?' She asked with a smile.

'Our little girl's called Anthea' I smiled, glancing up to Denis. 'I like that name. It's like the Greek goddess of vegetation' she giggled. Lainey looked down at her watch and gulped.

'Shoot, I'm running late. I hope I can meet you guys up for coffee in another day. Bye guys!' She waved, and left us.


I hummed to My Chemical Romance's song, 'Helena' while dicing up the carrots. It was peaceful until Denis disturbed my peace.

'SO LONG, AND GOODNIGHT!' He screamed out of no where. 'Denis!' I scoffed, 'You scared me half to death!' I cried.

'Sorry' he laughed, pecking my cheek, 'Let's cuddle afterwards' he suggested.

'Denis' I stopped him, 'Have you ever thought of planning on the baby's second name?' I asked him, shyly. He hesitated. 'Helena' he said firmly, 'I love the name, and it's one of my favorite songs, because you're playing it' he smiled.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now