Chapter 14- Deathbeds

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I heard loud knocks on my door, which woke all of us up. I grumbled, stomping my foot up to the door. I creaked the door open, revealing a lady wearing a stern face and a toddler. 'Jude' She introduced blankly. Oh.

'Why are you here?' I asked her narrowing my eyebrows. 'Aren't you going to offer me a drink or something?' She huffed, patting the baby I presumed was my new step-sister, Jenny. 'Right. Would you like green tea or water?' I asked irritatingly. 'Tea.' She answered.

I cleared my throat, tipping the tea down the small teacup. 'Here you go' I grumbled. 'Thanks' she muttered. 'I don't want you in your dad's life' she said with courage and anger laced in her voice.

I was on the verge of strangling her. 'He's my father, you can't part me away from him; you have no rights to do so!' I spat defensively. She lets out s cynical laugh. 'Watch me..'

'My three siblings, they're loathing and being distressed— you can't isolate them from their father, it's not fair!' I exclaimed loudly.

'Who said that I wanted them away from their father's sight? I only want you gone from us Fanning's' she icily remarked.

I remained silent, being dazed and angry. 'Since when were you a Fanning?' I asked in a strained voice. She showed me her hands, a diamond ring slipped in her fingers.

'Since yesterday, happy to be a Fanning' she said smugly.

I felt a large lump in my throat. 'Leave' I said dryly. She stood there with a smirk. 'Say again?' She questioned, knowing that it was making me slowly loose my sanity. 'Leave Jude, goddammit! Leave before I press charges!' I snarled cruelly.

Jenny whimpered softly while her mother caresses her. As she left, tears brimmed my eyes. I ran into the bed, crying on the edge of it. The feeling was dreadful, I wish it could last. But the anger clouding my mind made me want to snap her wrists.

Pregnancy hormones kicked in, leading me to become emotional. 'Carina, darling' Denis cooed, stroking my bare arms.

'What happened?' He asked. He didn't hear me screaming at my new step mother. Of course, he was a heavy sleeper—even the sounds of gun shots wouldn't wake the sleepy man up.

'J-Jude came' my voice trembled, 'She tried to pressure me into leaving my dad' I added in a throaty voice. He looked at me with a sympathetic and stern look. 'Fuck Jude, she doesn't know shit' he huffed.

'She's engaged with my dad. My parent are divorced' I said, quivering from his touch. 'Rest, darling. Think about the baby. Let it sleep' he whispered softly.

He planted a light kiss on my cheek. 'Goodnight' he said.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled against my neck. 'I love you, princess' he whispered against my ear. I felt my heart throb and all my doubts slip away from his touch. And boy, do I love him...


'Carina! My husband hadn't called in seven hours! I've tried calling him for ages now, and I think he's having cheating on me!' Finn G. panicked. 'Calm down, Finn. I think you're just overthinking. You're too stressed out, have some coffee and watch desperate housewives' I said.

He giggled. 'Well, who can back down Desperate Housewives, am I right?' He said, sounding relieved and much happier. 'I'll take your advice and give it time' he stated.

'Goodbye, soon-to-be Desperate Housewife' he teased. I giggled, and glanced down at my baby bump. It's getting a lot bigger, and Finn said the media is getting suspicious. Their problem, not mines.

Soon, my mom called. 'Hello?' I asked, answering her call.

'Carina! You need to know something... It's about Brianna' her voice lowered, 'She has brain damage, after a car accident' mom said, sounding like she's pained and stressed.

'This has to be some sick joke, right?' I asked, trying to deny the fact that I'm on the verge of loosing one of my siblings.

'I wouldn't joke about something that bad.' She snapped hastily.

'Come, now... I'll give you the directions to the hospital.' She demanded.

I grabbed a paper and pen, writing to Denis, stating that I'd be in hospital by the time he wakes up. I grabbed my bag, shades and a big sweeter that belonged to Denis.


I rushed into the hospital, and ran into the registration office. 'Can I go and see Brianna Fanning?' I asked the lady. She scanned through her computer for the name. 'Are you a relative?' She asked. 'Yes, her sister' I said.

'As in the supermodel Carina?' She asked. 'I-I don't know what that is' I stammered.

She eyed my in suspense. 'Alright ma'am, nurse Lainey will show you the way' she said.

Phew, that was close.

'Hey, Cari' Lainey greeted, 'Hey Lain' I smiled. As we walked deeper into the hallway, I looked at someone. His face may've aged, but his eyes hadn't.

'Gunther?' I asked. 'That's Gunther. Gunther!' I squeaked.

'Carina! I'm so glad to see you! I've missed you so much!' He exclaimed, hugging me tighter. 'Gunth, as much as she'd love to see you right now, she has to go somewhere. I'm sure she'd want to meet you again at another time' she sighed.

Lainey opened the door, revealing Brianna draped in a white sheet, laying there idle, and breathing softly. The sight of that made my eyes burn...

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now