Chapter 3- The Only Reason

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This was the day I'd see my ex preform live, I guess. I, for some reason, wanted to look good for the day. I curled my hair, applied a fair amount of makeup and slid my black earrings on.

I wore my black jeans and my black tank top. I ran up to the door, and grabbed my black leathered jacket that was dangling from the door knob, and literally jumped in my converse shoes. I sighed, as anxiety kicked in.

My car keys! Where were they! I panicked. I headed to my office for the spare keys instead. Stupid, forgetful girl...

I ran down the lobby, and made my way to the grown floor, where my car was parked. I started my BMW X6 and hopped in it. I played no music because I was too busy eying the road. I grumbled. Why was it so darn hard? The traffic was horrible.

The concert was in two more hours, I suppose some of those people driving were heading to the concert as well.

I slipped my ticket safe in my pocket and entered the stadium. They did a ticket check, and I passed. Since there were no seating, it was a stand-up concert. There were a few people in the concert now, but the concert crew were adjusting the lighting and structured the drums, guitars on the stage.

"ASKING! ASKING! ASKING! ASKING!" The people roared, as they impatiently waited for the boys to come on stage. I hope there's no mosh pits and wall of death here...

Soon, the boys ran to the stage, causing boys and girls to scream aloud. There, stood Denis smiling at the crowd. He looked so elated. It was the first time in three years that I've seen him. "How are you, Vancouver?" He yelled out.

The crowd of people responded with a cheer. Boy, this is just like warped tour, but dedicated to this band only. There were so many people now, and it was really space-invading. But other than that, over here the vibe was very energetic and lively.

I was in the very left of the stadium. It was hard to see, since people are shoving me harshly. Just about when I think that he wouldn't notice me, he caught a quick glimpse of me and frowned. He was just starring at me, and his smile broke into a frown.

I waved at him, and he waved back, slowly. My heart just literally fell. He hid his pained face, and smiled. "Alright guys, let's go!" He exclaimed.

As song after song played, it eventually ended. I've gotta say, it's been a long road for the AA boys, and I was really proud of them.

Since I was at the very back, it meant I got to leave last. Just about when I was on the verge to, a voice stopped me from doing so.

"Carina! Wait!" A voice exclaimed. I faced to see Denis. I froze, not being able to react. "D-Denis?" I stammered out. He jumped down from the stage and smiled.

"I am" he chuckled. He broke his laughter, and replaced it with a stern look. "Can we talk? Please?" He begged. I nodded swiftly.

He gestured me out of the stadium, into a more private part. It was outdoors, and I could hear a pin drop from the eerie silence. "Is it okay if I smoke here?" I asked him. He looked over at me, stunned. "That's funny, coming out from you dear" he said.

"I don't see why not" he chuckled. I flashed him a smile, and lit up my cigarette. I handed him one and he mumbled a swift thanks. We sucked on it, and blew out smoke.

The silence was already deafening. "What about we talk now?" I broke the silence. "Yeah" he sighed. We threw our cigarettes in the bin, and leaned with our backs against the wall, and sat on the floor.

Denis cleared his throat and began. "So. Carina" he eyes me. "What have you been doing over these three years?" He asked me, his voice making him sound hurt. I couldn't help but feel hurt as well.

"I was studying business in college, and my roommate's brother placed me a spot in the modeling industry... That's about it" my voice says shakily. "You?" I asked him.

"These past three years mainly consists of touring and writing songs and making albums" he explained.

"Congrats on hitting triple platinum though, I'm proud" I said, hugging him tight. He was surprised at first, but then he slowly hugged me back, stroking my hair softly.

"I wish I never left England, I miss you" I couldn't help but let a tear slid down my cheek. "I know, I know" he cooed, pressing his lips on my cheeks lightly.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now