Chapter 2- I Miss You

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I woke up, groaning from the sound of my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes, and rolled myself out from my bed, which made me collapse, leaving a loud thud on the floor. It was eight in the morning, and I felt my hips swell up.

I tried to walk it off, and brought my phone up to the bathroom. I played 'Starring Role by Marina And The Diamonds' and shut my phone. I turned the bathtub tap, releasing lukewarm water to fill up the whole tub. I squeezed in my honey-lemon soap in, making small bubbles form on the surface of the water.

'Why was Denis still in my mind?' I wandered to myself. He was gullible, kind, caring and fun to hang around with. I guess we've matured up and walked to our own separate paths. Neither of us even tried to fight for our love back, so I guess what we had was just some petty school love.

It really hurt me just to think that, because three years ago, he told me that he wanted to start a family with me. I picture a happy family right in front of me, but I was too blinded to even think for once if he was hurting from the partition.

I was selfish. Too selfish to realize people hurting because I was too busy paying attention to my needs.

I crept onto the bathtub, and allowed the water to slowly rise up onto me. I felt my eyes burning, because I finally realized how much it meant to me.

The thing is, he was such a charming boy, he could wrap any girl around his finger. Why would he be hurting for me, I mean, I'm just in this country to pursue my dreams.

I felt a tear roll down my eyes. Oh, and another one. Hell, here comes another one. And the next thing you know, I began to uncontrollably sob like a nonfunctioning, broken machine. The water soon reached to my neck, and that was when I turned the tap off.

The smell of my soap soothed me. Every darn time I listen to Marina And The Diamonds, I become a emotional wreck. Damn her...

I spent what felt like eternity bathing in the tub, and thinking deeply about the significance of my existence. I soon got out of the tub, and dried my body off with a towel that was dangling on the door knob.

Remember when he got into a punch fight because Jace drugged me by putting something in my drink? Remember when he made you go down the empty streets at night in your pajamas with him just to buy the Hercules and Finding Nemo CDs?

The thoughts paced around my mind. Why was it so painful to even look back to when I had my glorious days in high school? Darn, I wish I could turn back time, when I was in his arms, and had friends to care for.

This change sucks. My dad left our family to a new one, my best friends are gone and my lover was gone! Why does time kill off everything I love? I sighed, and started to breathe unevenly.


The boys and I are having a countdown on when we get to preform in Vancouver, Canada. The boys are pretty stoked out, but I always get lost in my thoughts about a girl. A girl that I called mines back at high school. Carina Fanning.

I always see her on the big screen, modeling for some famous multinational brands. She was the It Girl in the modeling industry. Her face never seemed to age, and her eyes that I remembered, never gets old for me.

She, from what I've heard, lived in Vancouver. I prayed to God for her to come in anyway. So I can finally see the girl I've lost all contact with for three years. My ex.

I remember the first time she slept in my apartment. She was drugged by no other than Jace. Ben told me he was in jail for human trafficking.

That was rather distasteful to even know about. Well, when she was in my house, she forgot her bracelet with blue beads on it. Every time I run my fingers over it, the remembrance of just simply her haunts me.

I keep it safe with me, and I bring it with me to every show. The thing was, I began to be problematic. I started to get into one night stands a lot like it was a routine for me me everyday, and I started to drink more. It's crazy what one girl could do to you.

Now that we're in the plane, waiting for our plane to take off, I stare into the window and sighed. "Denis, what are you thinking about" Sam asked me. "Oh, n-nothing" I said swiftly. "You were thinking about that darn high school girl again" he grunts.

"Get over her!" He said, nudging my arm. Only if he knew how hard it was. What the fuck does he even know about love?

Sleep catches me, and the next thing I knew was, I slept through the whole flight from California to Vancouver. I woke up by Sam nudging me. "What?" I grumbled. "Move your damn ass Stoff!" He scoffed.

I laughed sheepishly, and tried to walk off the sleepiness. My blurry sight wasn't the worst part of this time, it was the people rushing over me. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for them, but I was too tired to do shit.

After ten minutes of girls gushing over no one other than Ben Bruce and asking James to flex his muscles, we finally got into a cab to our hotel.

The sleeping arrangements were arranged, and Sam ended up with Ben while James ended up with Cameron. I was neutral about it all, I mean it was better than having to deal with their whining and nagging throughout the night.

Ironically, I turned out to be the only single one. The boys tried to hook me up with some ladies, but not just some lady could find me solace. I feel like I left my heart with Carina. I'm a cheesy bastard, admit it.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now