Chapter 11- What You Need

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Denis has been visiting me recently, and I can't help but feel so happy about that. And for his other girlfriend, Kara, I don't know what else happens for them. They're still together, which I shamefully get hurt over for knowing.

Finn G. was happy, and his wedding with his husband grew closer to us all. He was really stressed out from arranging his band that'd be preforming in his after party, and he wanted his cake to be flawless, and stuck with their theme.

Finn had been taking yoga classes because he claimed that they were stress relievers. I'd spend my weekends drinking and crying, but now I'd have to eat healthy, and keep it all together, for the baby.

As they all say, "Happiness, straight from the bottle— when real life's too hard to swallow". I bit into my lip, and looked down at my feet.

Denis violated our privacy by tweeting that he was going to be a father, which meant that I'd have to join the scene. Big magazines such as Alternative Press had been making this news on their articles, and social media had been blasting about this, with some fan theories that I was pregnant.

Which was reasonable, since my baby bump was kind of visible from now. It had passed to two months, and I was really stressed. I can't go modeling because of my random food cravings that happen every time and my unstable mood swings.

I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my jeans. I looked up to the screen, and saw a message from Finn.

He sent me a link to a site. When I clicked on it, I entered into a news article reading out 'Asking Alexandria's frontman's girlfriend sent a death threat to super model, Carina Fanning'. My smile broke into a frown, as I scrolled through a feed.

After reaching to the end of the article, I was suddenly on the verge of tears. Screw pregnancy mood swings. I knew the media is expecting me to respond to the death threat, so I gave them what they've craved for.

@KaraMillie009 You're cancerous to society. I'm just saying. Aren't people entitled to their opinions? I for one, will NOT care about your death threat.

With a heavy sigh released from my lips, I hit send. After a few seconds, my notifications blew up, as expected. I turned off my phone, and hopped into the shower.

I sprinkled the water on my skin, sending chills to travel down my spine. I scrubbed my skin with soap, and then dried my body with a towel.

I slipped into a sleeping gown, and drifted off to sleep.


Food cravings got the best of me, and it was saddening to know that I'm going to gain a lot of weight from this. Not caring that it was six in the morning, I went to Walmart to buy some snacks. Sure, it was a pathetic place, but you just have to go there.

While heading to the car park, a group of girls stopped me. 'Carina! Oh my god. It's Carina!' A girl cried. 'Can we take a picture with you?' Another girl asked. 'Sure' I smiled. We took some pictures together, and I left.


My eyes widened when I saw the last person I wanted to see on my doorstep. 'Denis?' My voice croaked. 'What are you doing here?' I asked. 'I needed so see you' he stated, with his voice faint, and calm.

'Well, I'm here now' I sighed. I slipped my keys in my door, and gestured him in. 'Why haven't you told me that you were heading to Vancouver?' I asked him. 'Because I knew that you'd disagree and refuse to let me in' he answered clearly.

My mind was too clouded with confusion to even think of anything else. 'O-okay' I stuttered. 'Just have a seat' I patted on my sofa to let him sit in. He sat down casually, while looking down at his foot.

'You don't have to raise the baby up. I can raise it by myself, because I'm capable of doing so' I said, causing him to shake his head vigorously. 'Will you not? I want to raise the baby up!' He shouted, a bit too anxiously.

I can't respond to that. I could tell by his actions, that what he said sounded sincere. 'Alright' I said flatly. I gulped. 'But it isn't fair.'

'How?' He asked, sounding startled.

'It's not fair for Kara. I know, she sent me a death threat and acted all petty about it. But, she also deserves love, you know?'

'You're sounding like you don't want me around the baby' he shot me a glare. 'Stop assuming things! You know I didn't say that!' I shouted. 'But you're sure fucking acting like you do' he fired back.

After pain attacked my lungs, I felt like crying; and so I did. I ran up to the bathroom, and sobbed. 'Carina! Come on, love' he cooed. 'No!' I snapped. He just open the door and patted my back. 'How could—' I was cut off by him.

'You forgot to lock the door' he answered calmly. I felt stupid. 'How are you feeling?' He asked. 'I feel vulnerable.' I answered truthfully. 'Since you've been gone, I've been so darn vulnerable'

I could see the pained look in his eyes. 'Come here' he wooed, opening his arms, ready for me to hug him. I ran up to hug him without hesitation. I felt my vulnerability slowly drain away. 'Don't you think that you're cheating on Kara with me?' I asked.

'She's too whiny and harsh on people. I broke up with her' he cleared out.

And what did I need, you may ask?

A source of solace.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now