Chapter 8- Undisclosed Desires

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"D-D-" I stammered. "Darling, you know my name already" he teased. I hugged him really tightly, as if I held a death grip on him. "Can w-we talk?" I said with a gulp. "Of coarse" he said sweetly. He gestured me out to the cab, and we took a stroll to somewhere. 

"Where are we going?" I asked while biting in my inner-cheek. "My place. To talk about things" he said calmly. I nodded my head as we entered the elevator. He presses on the number three, and we levitated up to a floor. I entered the room and was hit with the smell of alcohol in my nostrils. 

'You must have been drinking' I chuckled, seating myself on his sofa. 'Yes, I have. Now make yourself at home' He smiled. It was exactly like a replica of my home; same size, same floor level, but just different furniture. He flicked through a channel, and landed on The Simpsons. 'Tea?' He offered. 'Yes, please' I grimaced. 'Alright' He mumbled, while  heading to his kitchen. 

I felt the cool air hit me, and instantly caused goosbumps to rise from my skin. He came out of the kitchen and noticed me shivering, so he tossed a blanket to me. 'You'll be needing this' He giggled, while placing tea on his table. 

I took a sip from it and wrinkled my nose. 'Don't like it?' He laughed lightly. 'No' I answered, earning a grin from him. 'Have you dated anyone past the three years' I asked unwarily. There we were, sharing bitter silence. 'No' he cleared his throat. 'How about you, love?' 

'No, I haven't.' I whispered shakily. 'Have I held you back from the dating game?' He furrowed his brows. '...Sort of' I fully admitted. His mouth opened, as he was trying to say something, but I pushed my lips against his. He didn't kiss me back. I pulled back, and wiped my lips. 

'I-I'm sorry' I croaked out. I felt a big lump in my throat and my eyes watered. 'No! No!' he panicked. 'Here, I'm sorry' he cooed. He gently brushed my lips against mines, and I felt the same lovestruck feeling from my teenage years once again. 

We parted, and he looked at me with a glum frown. I felt his warm breaths against my neck. We stood there while he hooked his chin on my neck. 'Don't leave me' He whispered heartbreakingly. I couldn't even answer him. 'Carina?' He called out my name. 'What?' I grumbled. 

'Stay with me' He said. One sentence. One sentence changed everything. 

'If it means a lot to you' I said faintly. 'It would mean the world to me' He assured. I nodded my head while looking down on my feet. 'Sure..' 

We stayed up all night drinking champagne and talking and chuckling over the small things. the next thing was a blur, and my head was spinning like crazy. My head ached, and I was loosing my temptations.


I woke up, with the sight of me under the sheets with Denis. A little did I know, that I was only in my underpants and bra. I felt sickened, and ran up to the bathroom. 

Hang over at its finest. 

I landed on my knees beside the toilet, and grumbled. 'Carina' He grumbled. 'You have a hangover?' he chuckled in his boxers. 'How come you don't?' I grumbled. 'Maybe I'm immune to hangovers' He teased. 'Whatever, I don't drink heavily anyway' I spat. 

'Wow, you're really feisty' He laughed, 'I love girls like that' He said with his voice dropping. 'I'm not feisty, I'm annoyed' I sighed. 'You knew what we did last night, didn't you' He questioned. 'Don't mention it!' I hollered. He looked at me with a hurt look. 

'Are you ashamed of it?' He asked gloomily. 'I'm as ashamed of it as you were' I hissed. 'What is wrong with you today Carina? Why are you trying to avoid me!' he shouted. I slipped on my shirt and jeans. 'I never thought it'd end up like this!' I screamed at the verge of tears. 

'Can you please listen to me?' He asked frustratingly, while tugging on my wrist. I pulled my hand out from his hold harshly. 'For goodness sakes, no!' I thundered. He frowned and sighed. 'You're leaving me once again' He huffed, 'Is that what you always do? Leave me, and pretend like I was never even there?' He fired. 

I glanced up at him, and grabbed my purse while running hastily. 

I wasn't disappointed over the fact that I lost it to him, I was disappointed that I lost it while being drunk, and not sober. Also, one night with me wouldn't be spectacular like the other nights with his other ladies that can treat him right. 

I ran with tears brimming my eyes. 

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now