Chapter 7

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Fast forward--

Australia and New Zealand were terrific. If one thing was for sure, it's that both of the countries were beautiful. I'd guarantee you that I'd visit those two beautiful places again if I ever have the chance to. But now, it's time for me to head to England, which is a long way from here. My smile broke into a frown. After England, I'd relax my ass off.

Finn G. was heading to Canada, while I was on my way to England. "Bye Carina! Have fun!" He chirped. "Bye!" I responded to him in a heartbeat. We tackled each other into the tightest hug ever. "Don't forget to bring me back a British boy" he grimaced.

"You have a fiancé, Finn." I flashed him a playful glare. We laughed a bit, and parted. England. What thing pops into my mind when I think about this great country? Many things— an avalanche of memories storm into my mind.

My high school years, especially my great love for you-know-who and my family. Despite how unfaithful my dad was to my mom. Who does such a thing? We just knew the mistress gave birth to baby Jenny till now!

I blinked the tears away from my eyes. I played Muse gently into my ears to soothe myself. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, which made me crash against someone. A tall man, who instantly flinched.

I looked up to see a tall, slender man with hazel eyes and jet black hair. He was gorgeous. "Oh- um I'm sorry" I said, frozen in awe. "That's alright, Carina Fanning" he chuckled. Oh god, he knew me.

"I like your shoots, really sexy" he winked, leaving me in utter shock. Never had I ever thought a cute guy would flirt with me— wait stop it Carina! You can't be falling for a stranger! You love someone else!

I tried to flush his gorgeous self out from my mind, and focus a bit more. My stomach grumbled. I looked over my right to see a McDonald store, with a short line. Neat!


"Five minutes till landing" the speakers bursted out. I glanced to my right to see the darkened sky of England. I yawned and extended my arms for a stretch. I played the whole discography of Muse and it's safe to say that I've had enough.

I pressed shuffle on my phone, and landed on Asking Alexandria's song, 'I Won't Give In'. It hit me right in the heart, and tears brimmed my eyes.

The plane landed, and I pulled out my luggage out, and was greeted by the cold air. Fuck yeah, England! None of my family members knew that I was here, and expected me to be in Vancouver, sipping tea whilst watching Magic Mike.

I called out for a taxi cab, and told the man the directions. After twenty solid minutes of having to go through listening to the driver go through a dispute with every lousy driver on the road. He parked in front of a place that I used to call my home.

I knocked on the door as I waited patiently. I bit my inner lip while I tapped my foot. The door creaked open, revealing my mom who smiled ear-to-ear. "My little model! I wasn't expecting your company tonight!" She exclaimed. I giggled as we sat on the couch. There she was, all alone in the house.

"Where's Tanner, Bri and Lilly?" I asked her. "They're at a party. Harriet's" she said shakily. Taken back, I patted her shoulders reassuringly.

"How are things?" I asked her, softly. "Your dad and I filed a divorce contract" she managed to say. I knew she was on a verge of tears. I knew she'd keep it together for her daughter, for sure.

"Do the kids know?" I asked her faintly. She sighed heavily. "No, I can't.they haven't even heard about him having a baby" she explained in distress. "Mom, they'd eventually know about it one day. Besides, have you seen baby Jenny?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I don't like the baby one bit" she huffed. I stood there in silence for a while. "You can't really blame the baby, mom. It's not its fault it was brought up in this world by dad and J—"

"I think you should go to sleep" she croaked. I knew she was shattering, and I want to give her space, if that's what she needs. I should have brought the subject up. "We can talk later, but now isn't the time for this." She said, sipping her tea.


I ran down the stairs in my black leggings and spaghetti strapped navy-blue shirt. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked motherly. "Mom, I'm twenty one. I want to explore the place for god's sake" I chuckled. She nodded her head and stood their in utter shock.

I grabbed a cab and got myself downtown. I walked through the streets and saw the old cd store they I used to go to with Denis. I gulped as I took a step in. The walls were painted in green and the floor had black tiles. Was really different.

I went to the album section and saw that Asking Alexandria's album on the 'number one best selling' section. To be honest, I was really happy for the AA boys, I picked up the album and smiled. "Oh my god April! It's Carina Fanning!" I voice yelped.

I jumped a bit, and faced two girls jumping in glee. They gushed over me and squealed. "Hi... Can we take pictures with you?" The two asked shyly. "Sure guys" I said as sweetly as possible. I took a selfie with them, and took a second one with s goofy pose.

"Thank you!" They exclaimed in unison. "You're welcome, have a good day" I winked at them , and waved goodbye to the girls. I walked out and craned my shoulders against a man I didn't expect to see...

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now