Chapter 10

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'So you have a baby in your stomach?' Tanner asked, with a shocked expression smeared all over his face. 'Yes, it's in my womb' I answered, causing him to gently poke my stomach.

'I'm going to be an uncle, then' he said faintly, while grinning. 'Yes, you are' I giggled. 'A-and I'm going to be an aunt!' Lilly piped.

I nodded my head, while tapping on the dinner table. 'Who's the father?' Brianna asked, while knitting her brows together.

'I-I-um' I shot my body straight up, and ran into the toilet. Tears threatened to spill out from my eyes. I was scared, and I was an emotional wreck. I wiped my stray tear off of my cheeks, and sighed. I wasn't ready to announce this big news as much as I thought I would've been.


I bit in my lip, while pressing the level number, levitating myself up to his apartment room. I was breathing unevenly, as if I was panting. I looked through the door creak, Denis kissing a girl.

I felt a pang of hurt hit my chest. He was kissing a pretty blonde, on his coffee table. He looked up to see me struck in shock. As soon, as he was able to react, I stormed off.

'Carina! Please wait!' He cried, chasing after me. 'I'm leaving Denis! I'm leaving!' I exclaimed, with tears flowing down my cheeks. His grip on my wrist was strong, but not enough to hurt. I tried yanking, but each time I do, he grips on tighter.

'Carina, look me in the eye' he said sternly. I can't even bare to stay in this place any second anymore. 'Forget why I was here, I saw you kissing some girl' I huffed.

'That's not just some girl, Carina. That's my girlfriend, Kara' he said, sending my heart to drop. 'You have a girlfriend' my pained voice croaked out.

'I need someone who'd ease my pain. You kept on running away from me, and leaving me behind! You think that I'd cry back to you all the time! I fucking give up with your petty games!' He spat, infuriated.

I held back in the tears. 'Tell me why you're here and leave!' He yelled. With anger rushing through my body, I smacked him harshly across the face.

'I'm pregnant, Denis.' I screamed, while running away. 'You— what? My baby? Please wait!' He yelled, chasing after me. 'I'm leaving, like how you wanted me to, prick!' I cried, running faster.


'How did he handle it, sweetie?' Mom asked in a faint voice.

'I-I don't know' I stammered, while sniffling. She stirred her coffee, and looked at me with a sympathetic look.

'The baby will be alright, regardless of a missing dad' she cooed. I cracked up a small smile, 'Have you planned a baby name?' She asked lightly.

'It's too early to find out the baby's gender, therefore I haven't planned it. But if it was a girl, I'd name her Anthea. And for a boy, Marco' I said in a throaty voice.

'Anthea or Marco Fanning?' She smiled.

'We can live with that' I chuckled.


Finn G. was my manager, but also one of my best supporters there were. The media hasn't started the pregnancy rumors, therefore I'd be okay.

I've been recovering messages from Denis, but I refuse to read them.

Moving from London to Vancouver was really tiring for me, but I had to deal with it. 'So honey, how's the little fetus?' He asked.

I smile while rubbing my stomach in circular motion. 'The little kiddo is doing fine' I whispered.

'Has the baby daddy kept in touch with you?' He asked. 'No Finn, I've been avoiding his texts' I answered in a blank voice. 'Carina, please don't push the poor boy away' he plead.

'Finn, he has a girlfriend. He had a girlfriend right after the— you know..' My voice trailed off. He scoffed, 'What a jackass'

The Kara girl was really pretty from the angle I saw her lip locking him. She had strawberry blonde hair that fell on her shoulder blades, and her jade green eyes dazzled while looking at him.

The way he looks at her.

The way she looks at him.

They were meant to be, and I was just a memory for him— a petty schoolgirl that barged into his life. I can't ruin the love they have for each other, it'd be unfair of me to ruin their love just for the sake of the baby.

He'd leave me alone, and I'd eventually would. 'Please read his texts Carina, you'd never know how he feels if you avoid the texts' he urged. I grumbled, and opened his messages.

Denis: I've been worried sick, Cari. I want to be in the baby's life. I want to know if I'm the father. If so, I'll hold the responsibility of being the best father for the little baby.

Denis: Please answer me, I'll do whatever it takes.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now