Chapter 6- Madness

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I finally gained the burst of courage to call Denis, after days of solid silence between us. It's funny how back in high school we were more than people in our contacts list...

I scrolled the contacts list, and stumbled across his name. I froze. What if he changed his phone number? Well, here goes nothing.

"Hello?" My voice squeaked. There was bitter silence for a moment. Then, a voice croaked out. "Carina?" He asked, in sudden distress. "Yep" I let out an anxious laugh. "Why are you calling me? At seven in the morning, really?" His voice sounding raspy.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's six in the afternoon over here in Australia" I bit my lip. "It's okay" he signed. "What makes you call me anyways?" He asked.

"Well, can we meet up in London sometime?" I asked him. "Wait, really?" He piped. "Yeah" I said softly. "You'd still want to talk to me, after all of this?"

"Of course" I chuckled. "Carina— I'd love to meet up with you in person, and talk about things" he said. "We can sort all of it out" I suggested. "Just tell me when you're coming back to London, I miss you way too much"

"I miss you as well" I said, with my throat aching. "I love you" he said firmly, as if it was without hesitation. "Our love is madness" with that, I instantly hung up. I can't believe I was quoting Muse's song.

Let's just say that my music taste changed. From being obsessed with Twenty One Pilots, I started to get into more mature music, like Muse and Nine Inch Nails.

I just stared at the phone case, and sighed. A faint dap on the door was heard. I creaked my hotel room open, revealing Finn G. wearing a weak smile. "Come in" I gestured him in. He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Carina, I know how stressful modeling is— having to go to many different countries and do many shoots and having to deal with your fans" Finn G. said. "Yeah, I know. But all jobs are stressful" I told him, quoting what Denis said.

"Look dear, you'll have a five week break and I'll reach up to you after five weeks" he announced. My jaw dropped in awe. "Are you sure?" I asked cautiously. "Yes dear, I have other thighs to catch up on. I'm engaged." He reminded.

"Finn G., how did he pop the big question again?" I asked him. "We were on the beach, the most cliche shit ever" he said, making me chuckle. "He was panicking because he thought he lost the ring, and I saw the black box on the sand. What an idiot, if it weren't for me, he wouldn't be able to slip the ring in my finger." He said.

"You were meant for him, Finn G.! Don't forget to invite me to your wedding" he teased. "Why would I forget to invite my favorite model to the wedding?" He joked. "Oh! This is my opportunity to ask you something!" He exclaimed.

I knitted my eyebrows together.  "Carina April Fanning, will you do the honors of being my maid of honor?" He asked, making my jump in elation. "Oh my god, yes! Finnic Grey soon-to-be Garett!" I gushed, hugging him.

"This was the only opportunity that you were able to call me by my full name, Carina" he growled in a joking matter. My smile broke into a frown, just at the thought of my mom and dad's marriage. It went down the drain.

"Why are you sad?" He panicked. "No, I'm not! I just really want your marriage to end up wonderfully, considering my parents' marriage was horrible." I breathed.

I was looking back on the movie night with Denis when we watched Star Wars. If we ended up together and married, will if marriage go down the drain?

"I'm planning on going to London, for two weeks." I told him. "I'm going to start booking" I informed. "Carina" he paused me, "Let me help you, you know that you can't do these things without your wonderful modeling agent" he chuckled.

"You're right" I said, "Help me, Finn". And with that, we cozied up in the bed, while arguing over where was the best.

For the past hours, we were just talking. "Finn G., do you think I still have hope for love?" I bursted out. He looks at me in shock, and shook his head. "Of course I do, what makes you think that you don't?"

"I don't know— I just- I don't know" I groaned. He narrowed his eyes playfully. "Sweetie, tell me" he urged. "Fine" I sighed, "I like his guy for over three years and I'm not over him. He was the first boy I ever loved, and I can't move on" I explained.

"What you're feeling now is angst— a strong sign that shows how strongly you feel for him. And can I ask, is the boy you're loving Asking Alexandria's frontman?" He asked lightly. He was so calming. I nodded my head.

"Go get him, child. I'm not gonna say it again, but go get him and kiss the fuck out of him. Tell him how much you need him and tell him that you love him. If that doesn't work out then I don't know what the fuck would".

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now