Chapter 16- You and I

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'Mommy! Mommy!' The sound of our little Anthea's squirms could be heard from the living room. I sighed and groggily made my way down the stairs. 'Baby, why are you down there?' I asked in a raspy voice.

'Because I'm hungry!' She exclaimed, sounding like her bubbly self. 'I want milk and cookies!' She squealed, with her cheeks rosy. 'Darling, no milk and cookies for dinner, it'll rotten your teeth!' I ordered.

'I'll grow new ones when I grow up!' She says, smugly. 'Oh really? Who told you that?' I asked with a chuckle. 'Daddy' she answered me at ease, 'He told me last night' she added. I planted a kiss on her forehead.

'Go back to sleep, big A. Or your little brother would cry again' I whispered. Her eyes widened in front of me from my statement. 'Okay mommy!' She exclaimed, while pecking my cheeks. I messed with her hair, causing her to groan.

'Go back to bed, Sweet Tooth' I yawned, making my way to bed to sleep with my husband. Just as soon as I placed a foot in the bedroom, I heard Leo's faint whimpers. I sighed, as I entered the room.

His tiny baby hands were trying to reach for his teddy that dropped on the floor. I reached it up, and handed him the teddy, earning nothing but silence. I sighed in relief, and switched the lights off in his room.

'Hey Angel' Denis greets. 'Hey baby' I purred against his ears. I sighed while snuggling up against his chest. 'Why was Leo crying?' Den asked. 'Because he couldn't reach his little teddy that James got for him' I answered, sounding exhausted.

'And why was Anthea out of bed— again?' He questioned. 'Because she wanted milk and cookies, but I didn't give them to her' I mumbled. My eyelids felt heavy, and I prepared myself to fall asleep.

'Did you feed Lola and Al tonight?' I asked, referring to our two Himalayan cats. 'Yes' he sighed sheepishly, 'We served our family a favor today' he muttered, with his head buried in his pillow.

'I love you' he reminded. 'I know' I said faintly, 'And for the millionth time, I love you too'


I was alarmed for the whole day, knowing that my daughter's very first ballet recital has held tomorrow, and her tiny heart would be ripped into shreds if she doesn't see her two parents on front row.

And the worst part was, I knew that Denis was busy and his schedule was tight, therefore Anthea wouldn't find her daddy while preforming.

'Denis, are you sure you can't watch her performance?' I whispered to him, so our daughter couldn't hear us. I cradled baby Leo while feeding I'm milk out of a bottle. 'I doubt it, but I'll try my best to' he promised.

'Please do' I sucked in a sharp breath, 'I couldn't stand to see Ann's heartbreak'

I received a phone call from my manager, Finn G. and I shrieked in response. 'Den, hold Leo' I ordered, while handing him gently to his daddy.

I grabbed the phone from the counter, and I answered it. 'Hello' my voice squeaked. 'Carina, Cosmo Magazines wants to interview you!' He cheered, 'Saturday' he added.

'Saturday?' I gasped, 'Well, Denis is going to visit the Enter Shikari boys that day!' I said in distress, 'Plus, where?' I grumbled.

'Toronto' Finn G. claimed, 'And that's okay, because your nice manager would be coming with you, strangle any men that would harm you!' He chuckled in a joking matter.

'It's just that-- I have two children, and I don't want my children near my father, and my mom's not handling life itself very well' I frowned. Ever since the death of Brianna, she's been very distant from us Fanning's.

Of course, she was a beloved family member, but all feelings end when you're given the time; even grief. But in her case, the sadness never ended.

The thought of that rained on my parade. 'My husband's really good with babies! I'll tell my boo to take care of the two' Finn G. gushed.

'Well, it comes with a great price, and you can choose whether to do so or not' he smiled, 'They could just interview you on Skype'

'That's alright, Finn G.' I declined politely, 'I'd like to keep things more professional' I smiled through the call. We eventually ended it, and I sighed.

I pecked Denis' cheek, while making him hand Leo back to me. 'Have a good day now, daddy' I smiled over at him. 'Daddy?' He smirked. 'Shut up' I blushed, 'You know what I mean' I giggled, a faint tint of pink still stuck on my cheeks.


There stood my tiny little Anthea, on stage dancing along with her pals in unison. I kept Leo with me, and he gurgles and claps his hands.

Through the middle of her performance, Denis tried to blend in with the crowd, and took the spot beside me. 'You came' I whispered, smiling.

'I'll always place my family first' he said sweetly, 'Plus, our photoshoot is delayed' he claimed. 'Pay attention to our daughter, Denis' I hissed, swatting him.

I could see Anthea's face brighten up at the sight of her father. The song ended, and she took a bow with her friends in unison.

We clapped, and roses were scattered on the stage. Denis smiled rapidly over his daughter, and Leo just looked ahead, dazed like the little boy he was.

I kissed Denis on his lips, and almost forgot where we were at, and that I was holding my own child in my hands.

After the show, we headed backstage, where James, Ben, Sam and Cameron tagged along— surprisingly. 'Uncle James!' Anthea squeaked, rushing up into James' arms. Anthea had a thing for James, which was really odd.

Sam knelt down, handing her a rose. She planted a kiss on his cheek, and he smiled over at the girl. 'I want a kid now' Sam smiled.

'Then what are you waiting for?' I giggled, 'You have a lovely wife' I said referring to the one and only, Freya.

Afterwards, we left and we went back home. Tagged along by Denis and I snuggling up to bed after the kids settled down and we fed both our cats.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now