Chapter 9- Saviour

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I've been getting morning sickness so much these past few days. My craving for food got the best of me, and I was an emotional wreck who's period was late. I was in my Vancouver apartment, and I was awake and distressed.

'Finn G?' My voice croaked out through the call. 'Carina! Are you okay? You sound sick!' Finn G cried out, concern laced in his voice.

'Finn, are you busy today?' I asked him in a throaty voice. 'No, I'm free today' he cleared his throat.

'Can you come over to my apartment?' I pleaded, feeling anxiety making me quiver. 'Yes' he said calmly, 'I'll be there by half an hour'


All I did was pace around my apartment, while questioning about my health. Could I be pregnant? The thought of that already scared me.

I was just twenty one, and I was too young and blind to raise up a baby.

The sound of my door being knocked rung my ears. Then, there Finn stood, looking worried sick. 'Hi' he greeted with a small smile.

I motioned him onto my couch, while nibbling on a chocolate bar. 'I've got to say, you have been eating an awful lot' he pointed out, making me scoff.

'And I have morning sickness; been puking all morning' I added.

Fin looked at me sternly, and frowned. 'You were still a virgin the last time I saw you' he gulped, 'Tell me honestly, Carina. Did you loose it?'

'Yes' I sighed shamefully while on a verge of tears. 'I lost it'. His jaw dropped. 'You need a pregnancy stick Carina.'

It's better to be safe than sorry' he demanded. 'I don't want to be pregnant! I can't bring a baby into my life!' I cried out.

'Carina! Will you calm down and listen to me for once!' He snapped, silencing me. 'We're going to take a pregnancy test whether you like it our not.

'And try to keep a low profile when you're out on the streets' he suggested.


I stared down blankly at it. 'Place it in urine, and the results will come to you after two minutes' Finn said. 'I know how it works, Finn' I sighed calmly.

I tossed it down there while chanting to the heavens above me to not bring me a special gift I'm not ready for.

'Carina, who did you loose it to?' Finn asked, with a stern glance. I gulped. 'You know the lead singer of the band, Asking Alexandria?' I asked faintly. 'You lost it to him?' He yelped, in utter disbelief.

I swatted his shoulder, then crossed my arms. 'Shut up' I huffed. 'Well, at least it's not some random douche in a bar' he said quietly. 'Yeah' I agreed.

'Two minutes had passed, girl. It's the moment of truth.' He patted my back reassuringly, while my legs weakened. I headed up to the bathroom, and saw two lines, reading out positive.

I let out a loud sob. I ran up to Finn and cried on his shoulders. Solace will always ease whatever pain you're feeling.

'Carina, it's okay' he cooed. 'You're looking at this the wrong way. It's something to be elated about, not sad!' He reassured.

'I want an abortion' I said darkly, earning a horrified look from him. 'Don't you fucking dare say that!' He hissed.

'You brought the baby to life, and it's your responsibility to raise it up to one day grow into a humble, caring person like you are now'

'T-thank you' I sniffled. 'Carina, either way the father of the baby has to know' Finn said. 'A-and the paparazzi, they won't get out of my case, Finn G.' I grumbled.

'The price of fame, Carina. Besides, they're doing their job' he said. 'Just keep a low profile on the streets.' He added.

'He's all the way in London, while I'm here in Vancouver!' I panicked. 'Tell him in person. Whatever you do, don't announce the news to him by a text message. The baby daddy will find out in real person.'

'And as for your family, you should announce it to them in person as well' he suggested. 'Come on Carina, let's go book you another damn flight to London...'


One week later

When I'm stressed out, I'd smoke. When real life's too hard to swallow, I'd drink alcohol. But since I'm pregnant, I sob in the corner of my bedroom and cry. But I'm not in my bedroom; in fact, I'm in a plane that was going to land in five minutes.

'Ma'am, will you like some wine?' The lady offered sweetly. Boy, my cravings are kicking in. 'No thank you' I smiled at her, while she moved up to other people. The sky was dark, and the city lights sparkled the dull city up.

It landed, and I grabbed my suitcase. I was expecting my mom to pick me up from the airport, and I could sleep in my bedroom, and have a rest.

And tomorrow? I'm off to Denis'. I roamed around the place, until I caught sight of my mom, smiling and waving.

I was hiding my face with shades, and a hat, in case any one tries to hover over me and try to leak my secret.

'Carina? My god, it's you!' She planted a kiss on my cheek. 'I miss you, sweet pea. Let's get you back home now..'


'Mom, I've been dying to tell you this but, I'm pregnant' I said, causing there to be bitter silence filling the air. 'Wow, I'm lost at words... I'm going to be a grandma!' She cheered.

She ran up to me and hugged me tightly. 'And the best one there is, mom' I laughed. 'No matter if I'm a grandma to your child, I'll still be your mommy in your eyes' she said, while a stray tear slid down her cheek.

'I-I'm just so happy that you told me in person, darling' she whispered shakily. 'And your dad hasn't even heard the news yet' she whispered, sounding distraught.

'Fuck him' she growled to herself. I giggled lightly. 'Mom, I want to sleep' I yawned.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now