Chapter 13- Sorry

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With my breathing hitched, I rolled over at the other side of the bed.

'No one ever loved you Carina, you've been fooled by society. You're self indulgent' the voices haunted and startled me in my head alone.

I jolted my body up while up while panting, feeling beads of sweat roll down my face. 'Carina, what's going on?' Denis asked me, with concern laced in his voice.

'N-nothing' I stammered, 'I just had nightmares' I admitted.

The words that I let out left me a sour taste in my mouth. He wrapped his arms around my torso lovingly and grinned. 'You're safe with me now, love'


'Lyra, tilt your head onto Carina's shoulder, and Carina, look down on the floor.' The photographer directed. And so we did.

The light flickers swiftly, and it left me with a blurred sight. 'Alright, five minutes break guys' he said, snapping his fingers.

'Isn't it funny how we're both named after constellations?' Lyra chuckled to me. 'Yeah' I giggled. 'What a coincidence' I remarked.

'Carina, how are you and Denis going?' She smiled softly at me. 'Fine?' I said with a questioning tone in my voice.

'Wear big jumpers until it's all done' she said, while reassuringly patted my back. She knows. I looked up at Lyra in disbelief. She turned back at me and winked.


'Lainey, have you met up with Gunther or Wren at all?' I asked, sipping my herbal tea. 'Not ever since the graduation afterparty' she answered me firmly.

'I have heard about Gunther though. The lad's a lawyer' Lainey whispered.

'I've heard from Wren; he's a heart surgeon' I smile. 'Carina Fanning's a super model, Wren Bellamy's a heart surgeon—' Lainey was cut off when a girl accidentally tipped coffee over her chest.

'Oi!' Lainey snapped. 'S-sorry!' The girl stammered. Lainey glared at her and huffed. 'Well Carina, it was very nice meeting you...'


'Carina' Denis voice darkened. I looked at him with my brows furrowed. 'Well, how do we put it... Uh..' His voice trailed off.

'I'm leaving the first thing in the morning' he said. 'First thing in the morning?!' I exclaimed, sounding hurt.

'Why haven't you told me about this sooner?' I asked. 'I wanted to but I always got distracted' he frowned. 'I need to be there to work on our new album' he added.

'You wouldn't be there when the baby arrives then, right?' I said with a gloomy sigh pushed out from my lips.

'I'll make it up to you, I promise!' He exclaimed. 'You can stay in London!' He suggested. 'Please Carina, it'd be so much more convenient with you near me in London!'

'I don't know, Denis...' I hinted.

'Why? It's not that bad!' He urged.

'I can't bare coping with my dad' I said through my gritted teeth.

'Please, I love you!'

He ran and huffed me tightly. 'I can't get the tickets that quickly, Den. Give me a week' I grumbled. 'Plus, don't hug me too hard' I said. 'Right... sorry' he blushed.


One week later

'Dad, there's something I've been waiting a long time to tell you' I said with a sigh. 'Spit it out, dear' he said, eager to know. 'I'm pregnant' I said, feeling my whole body quiver.

'Pregnant!' He cried out, choking on air.

I looked at him with hurt in my eyes. 'I-Is the truth too much for you?' I asked in a throaty voice. 'Of course it is, Carina! It's a big mistake!' He huffed angrily.

'Please don't refer to my daughter as a big mistake.' I said with tears brimming my eyes. 'It better not be with that metal boy.' He shot me a glare.

A stray tear fell down my face. 'I don't live life to impress you dad' I growled. 'You're too young! You can't be a proper parent like this!'

'What about when you betrayed the whole family you left behind dad? You left us for Jude and Jenny. If there was any one that wasn't a proper parent, that'd be you!' I screamed. My mind was clouded with anger.

'Tanner no longer has a dad to go fishing with anymore. You left him. Lilly now struggles with depression and finds it hard to cope with a broken home, all simply because you left her. Brianna spends all her time trying to call you, but she can't ever get one simple back from you, because, once again, you left her.'

'I am ashamed to be a Fanning, because you left us.'

'I won't end up making the same mistakes you've done. I'll raise my child right, and will make sure she never feels alone, or gets raised in a broken home. And Denis would be there for her. You can't stop us from being parents that won't neglect their child' and with that, I stormed off.

I cried silently back to Denis' apartment. Denis catches me in a poor condition, and ran up to me. 'Are you okay?' He panicked.

I shook my head, signifying him that I was sad. We snuggled, and he kept reminding me that he loved me and the child.

I felt love that no other human being could ever give to me.

Stay With Me (A Sequel To Cupid At Your Service)- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now