Chapter 10 - Jason

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"Jason!" I hear my name being whispered, "Jason. Jason. Jason!"

I spun around to see Bradley. My heart felt relief and pure love. Before any more words could be exchanged I pulled him onto me in a passionate kiss. I lingered allowing him to know how much I loved him. We we slowly pulled away Bradley smile made my heart flutter.

"God I've missed you!" I murmured.

"That was worth the coma!" Bradley laughed.

"Why did you do it Brad? Why didn't you talk to me?" I questioned.

"Don't ask me now. Ask me later but know that I missed you so much!" He replied.

I ran my fingers through his soft copper curls, "I love you Bradley!"

Bradley smiled, "I know."

"Don't quote Star Wars!" I laughed.

"I'm not!" He insisted, "I knew you loved me without needing to say so. It's the things you do for me!"

He slowly brought his lips down onto mine and we lingered there in a passionate kiss, relishing the taste of one another. I then felt drops of rain on my head and shoulders and I felt Bradley's body get less solid and more spirit like.

"Bradley don't go!" I cried.

"I'm sorry!" He murmured.

"Bradley!" I shouted as I watched him flicker away before my eyes, "BRADLEY!"


I woke up sitting bolt up right panting for breath. It had been two weeks since Bradley slipped into his coma and now my dreams were becoming more intense. I rubbed my pounding forehead as my breathing slowly normalised. In each dream, the ending was always the same. The rain washed him away. I shuddered to think what the rain represented in my subconscious. In fact I shuddered to think what the entire dream meant. Does it mean he comes back to me then dies or does he just die to me?

I rubbed my temple before running my hands through my hair. I couldn't bear to look at him knowing how I picture him.

"How you holding up?"

I looked up to see my mother watching me from the door way. She smiled weakly at me before walking in and sitting down on the sofa next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and we watched Bradley for a few moments.

"I thought you said you couldn't see him like this," I said to her, avoiding the very obvious answer.

She sighed, "I can't. I hate seeing him like this but...I love him like a son so I have to."

I kissed the top of her head, "How are you feeling?"

"The doctors say the baby is ok," she replied.

"Wait what?" I asked, "you are only twelve weeks! Why are you getting a scan this early?"

She laughed at me, "There isn't a problem! It's just because of the complications and miscarriages I've had before this one."

"How many miscarriages to be exact?" I asked.

"About eight since Lance was born," she replied neutrally.

"Does dad know about all of them?" I asked.

I was taken back. One being because my parents really needed a new form of entertainment and two because my mother had lost so many of my potential siblings.

"No," she replied honestly, "Most of them I didn't even know about until I went to the doctor after feeling ill. I know it seems harsh but he doesn't need to know about my womb failures."

"I already know," we both spun around to see my father in the doorway, "All of them. I knew about all of them."

My mother rushed up to him and hugged him, "I'm so sorry! I don't care how you know but I'm just glad you know."

"Alex you are an idiot for not telling me! You really thought I wouldn't find out about my children?"  He asked.

"No but..."

My mother was interrupted by the sound of the machine. My head snapped to look at it only to see his heart rate was dropping.

"Get Doctor Watson!" My mother screamed, "Somebody help!"

I was frozen in place and paralysed with heart stopping fear. The nurse had dropped her clipboard and ran to find Doctor Watson. My father sat my mother next to me before standing over Bradley, gripping his hand and whispering something to him. It was too quiet for anyone else to hear. At that moment, Doctor Watson paced in and took one look at Bradley.

"I need a shot of adrenaline!" She screamed, "And get the epinephrine while you're at it!"

"Fucking hell!" My mum cried, "What the hell is going on?"

"He is giving up!" Doctor Watson replied, "His heart is failing."

"Why?" My father demanded, "he's seventeen so his heart shouldn't fail!"

The nurse ran back in with the needles as my father spoke. Doctor Watson imminently emptied one of them into the IV. We waited. Those seconds were among the tensest in my entire life. Slowly the heart rate normalised. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Doctor Watson turned to me, "I'm going to take him out of the coma."

"What? Why? You said he had to stay under while he healed," I sputtered, "you said it would be dangerous to take him out."

"Now I think it is more dangerous to keep him in a coma," she replied, "what just happened may have been due to the coma or something more serious like internal bleeding but I won't know for sure until I do some more test."

I sunk not the chair, "How long will that take?"

"It will be easier and quicker if I take him out of the coma," she said, "but the other test will take a couple of hours."

I nodded slowly. Doctor Watson signalled for some more nurses and they transported him out the room. Doctor Watson left also which left my parents and I in silence. It was my father who broke it.

"What exactly happened?" My father asked.

"You mean what did Bradley do?" I asked.

"Yeah," my father said slowly.

"He stabbed himself in the gut with a kitchen knife," I handed my father a sheet of bloody paper, "Read it."

"Jason. Don't cry for me, don't miss me and don't blame yourself. What I do next is...what I do next..."

"Keep reading," I muttered.

"What I do next is because I cannot go on living the lie I am. My entire life is a lie. The only truth in my life is this, you. I love you and I don't want to hurt you and that's the truth. Love..." My father trailed off.

My father's hands shook as he read the last words Bradley wrote. My mother took the paper from him and read the note herself. She sunk into the sofa clutching her stomach as she did so. Tears threatened both of them.

"What did...does he mean by his life is a lie?" My mother asked.

I kicked over the chair I was sitting in, "If I knew that I would have stopped him!" I screamed.

I got the hell out of that room. I hated it. I hated the smell of hospitals. I hated the stares and pity parties. I hated the fact my boyfriend didn't even explain why he tried to kill himself. I stood outside the hospital and dug in my pockets for my fags.

"Shit!" I didn't have them.

"Don't tell your mother you still smoke!"

I looked up to see my father holding a pack of cigarettes in front of me. We both took one and lit up. I leaned my head back against the wall and blew out the smoke and watched it drift away.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

My father shrugged, "Don't mention it. No really! Don't mention it!"

I laughed, "I won't."

We smoked in silence before my father stamped his out before heading back inside. I smiled. He had given me the rest of the pack.

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