Chapter 28 - Jason

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"Your parents will kill us for this!" Bradley laughed, "you know that right?"

"I know!" I replied as I locked our bags in the over head compartments, "But it will be worth it!"

I sat in the seat next to him and slid my hand into his, allowing my fingers to slid between his and curl around his palm. He smiled before turned away to stare out of the window at the dull, grey runway outside.

"I still can't believe we are going to France!" Bradley murmured.

"Well you've never left the country so I thought it was time to change that!" I laughed, "It's just going to be me, you parents?"

"Wait what!" Bradley exclaimed, "Why are your parents there!"

"Not there!" I replied, "here! And so is your mum!"

We both sat speechless as our family squeezed down the isle and took the two rows of seats directly opposite us. My parents and Bradley's mum in front of Aurora, Lance, Ella and Zac. They waved at us as they took their seats.

"You didn't think you could keep this a secret did you?" My dad asked.

"That was the plan!" I mumbled in reply.

"Jason we all want to be there when you two get married," my dad said, "I know you always said you only wanted it to be the two of you but we are your family!"

I sighed, "I know dad! I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, be happy!" He laughed, "In a few hours you will be married! They we have Aurora's wedding to plan. I still need to talk to Luke."

"Dad don't you dare hurt my boyfriend!" Rory threatened, "he is the father to my baby!"

"And that's why we need to chat!" My dad called back.

"Dad don't you dare hurt him!" Aurora shouted.

"Did I say hurt? I'm sure I said talk!" He replied.

"Are we gonna help?" Brad laughed.

"Nah! I'm content to watch and laugh on this one!" I replied, seeing the smirk on my father's face.


"Dad!" I called to my father.

We had landed and arrived at the hotel. Bradley was laying down in our room, trying to get so sleep to calm himself down. I knew my siblings were all settling into their rooms and I figured that my dad had sent my mother to bed. Hence why he sat in the bar on his own.

"What's up Jace?" My dad asked.

I sat opposite him, "How did you know?"

"Know what?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"About Brad and I? About this weekend?" I asked.

My dad chuckled, "I know you kids! But what I don't know is why you don't want us there!"

I sighed, "Its not that I don't want you there ... it's just that marriage to me is two people joining together because they love each other not because it's a big party. I wanted to have a small and romantic wedding with Brad then a party when we get home. That's all."

"I get it," I looked up at my dad sceptically, "No I really do!" He insisted, "But we are your parents so you should of at least told us instead of running away. What if we didn't understand and thought the worst?"

"I'm sorry dad," I replied.

"Do be sorry! Be happy!" He comforted, "Your mother and I will love you not matter what! Just don't think we are that stupid."

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