Chapter 17 - Ella

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I sat with my head in my hands at my desk. I had been on the phone for weeks now and was getting no where. I had barely seen my fiancé and hadn't left the house! This was killing me!

"Oh my god! Will this not just end!" I screamed.

The chin of the door bell startled me before I slowly got up to see who was there. I looked through the security camera to see my parents on my doorstep. I signed in relief before opening the door. My mother immediately wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug which almost constricted me.

"It's so good to see you again sweetie!" She squealed. She slowly let me go, "How have you been?"

I sighed as we wandered into the living room, "Not great mum."

"God why?" My mother asked as my father got up to go towards the kitchen, "What's wrong?"

"It's just the charity work in America is giving me some stress," I replied, "but I'll have it sorted soon enough."

"Hun, you know that your dad and I are only a phone call away!" She said, wrapping her arms around me once more.

"I know, I know, but it's no that big of a deal," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"That's not the impression Rory had," my father shouted back from the kitchen.

I sighed, "Rory exaggerates! It's fine."

"Have you left the house much?" My mother asked.

"I can't at the moment," I replied before realising my mistake.

My father settled the drinks in front of us, "Well that settles it."

"Settles what?" I pushed.

"You two girls are going out to get manicure or whatever you girls do and I'll take to these idiots on the phone," he replied.

"I can make you do that!" I breathed horrified.

My dad had retired to get away from this and to spend time with my mother. Mum and I going and getting manicures or shopping while he is left here stuck on the phone doesn't fall under either of those categories. I for one knew how hard this deal was and it he got involved he would be stuck with it for a while. It's not that I didn't trust my father, far from it, it's just that he was seriously underestimating the situation.

"El, I am sixty years old and I'm not dead yet so I believe I still can make up my mind. That said, shopping with your mother damn near kills me every time so actually you would be doing me a favour," he laughed.

"Hey!" My mother retaliated, "Well your idea of a good time is playing golf on the weekend before going for lunch on the grounds and sitting outside, come rain or shine!"

"But hun, you love watching me putting my balls," he replied neutrally.

I nearly spat out my drink, "GOD! Really guys! Let's not go there."

My mother grin, "Yes, let's not!" She sniggered before composing herself, "Come on then Ella! Shoes on, we are going shopping."

"Good luck," my father whispered.

"I'm gonna need it," I replied in a hush voice.

"Just keep her away from the sales!" He warned.


I had been an idiot to suggest going to gun wharf queys. We sat in Nero, drowning in bags and, unfortunately, most of it was for me, or my baby at least. There was two changing bags from Cath Kidson, a mountain of clothes from Gap, a speaker and head phones from Bose and several toys. That was just naming a few.

"Explain again why my baby needs a speaker and head phones?" I asked.

"Well the speaker is for playing lullabies when the baby is born and the headphones are to put over your stomach so they he or she can listen to songs now as a way of calming them down. You always liked Mozart," She replied. 

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yep. Although none of your siblings liked classical music. I remember Rory and Jason liking Guns N' Roses and Lance only settling down to The spice girls," she laughed.

I burst out laughing, "The spice girls?"

"Yep. The spice girls and Madonna. It used to drive your dad NUTS! Though when he was born he didn't really like music that much," Mother told me.

"What does the new baby like?" I asked.

"Queen weirdly, " Mum replied laughing.

"No way! That's dad's favourite band," I responded.

"Yeah, your dad uses it as an excuse," she laughed, "Last weekend we were sitting in the living room with it blaring out the speakers. Your dad then decided to get up and show off his so called moves. Next thing I know, I'm laughing me head off with Rory asking if your dad was having a fit!"

"Oh my god!" I replied, cupping my mouth, "She didn't."

"She did! It was the funniest thing ever!" Mum laughed, "Bless him!.... What about you and Zac? How are you two?"

"We are ok.... When we see each other..." I trailed off.

My mother reached out and took my hand, "Oh honey! I know it's hard but it will get better. He won't work as much in the future. He's probably just doing it as he feels pressured to pay for your upcoming wedding even though your father and I and Matt and Riley are still arguing over who's paying for it."

"God! Mum! You don't have..."

"Of course we do! We are your parents and would do anything for you! We put aside money for all you kids weddings," she interrupted.


"No buts Ella Lucia Ride!" She said firmly, ."Mow we should get this stuff back to the car and get back to your dad. God he will hate me for this! But hey ho it my money and my life so he can deal with it."

I laughed as we carefully picked up all our bags and left the coffee shop, weighted down but our excess shopping. One thing was for sure, I was one hundred percent ready for the baby now. All that was needed was the actual baby.


"...and if this happens again I will personally guarantee that no one will ever come to your company again for so much as a kitchen extension!" My dad shouted as my mum and I luged our bags in.

"Hey dad!" I shouted.

"Oh god! Let me help you with them," he said, easily lifting and carrying all the bags my mother was carrying and half of mine, "I see you two had fun then!"

"This is just my stuff," I replied, "Mum's is already in your car."

My dad rolled his eyes, "My guess is that it's a good thing we brought the Mazda X5 and not the Porsche."

"Good guess," my mum replied.

"Alex! You are a pain!" My dad sighed.

"I know but you love me!" She flirted.

I rolled my eyes, "Who was that on the phone?"

"The developers of the project. It turns out that one of the management was embezzling money and so they thought that you were holding back funds. I've had arrangements for a new company to take on the project. They are smaller but highly recommended and, don't worry, I made sure all the finds were put back in the right place," Dad explained.

"But how? I've been on the phone for weeks!" I complained.

"El, when you have been doing this for as long as I have, you pick up friends along the way. I called in a few favours is all," was his reply.

"God thank you so much!" I tightly hugged my father and he hugged me back reassuringly, "You've saved me!"

He laughed, "No I didn't! In all honesty, I enjoyed shouting at people again!"

I laughed and let the tears of stress, that I had been containing for weeks, spill out. Both my parents sandwiched me in a hug and I smiled. One piece of the puzzle was solved which meant that the others could now slowly begin slotting into place.

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