Chapter 22 - Alex

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I felt David presence behind me as I continued to make the bed. His hands massaged my shoulders, making me release a little moan of relief. I then felt his hands slipping down my back until they arrived at my bra strap. His lips teased my neck as he unclipped my bra.

"Damn you, David!" I laughed.

"It's. Your. Own. Fault. For. Standing. In. Your. Underwear!" He replied between kisses.

I had recently got out the shower so was standing only in my underwear in order to cool down. My hair was tied up into a tight bun at the top of my head, which allowed David access to all areas. He slowly turned me around to face him, where he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him.

"Woah! What's gotten into you!" I breathed.

"I know I'll soon be getting into you!" He murmured in his low, husky voice.

"You don't play fair!"I breathed, "You know what that does to me!"

I pressed my lips down onto his before we fell back onto the bed as one. We threw out what little clothing we had on and he pressed himself onto me. I gasped at the disappointment of him not thrusting into me. Instead, he slowly pulled and freed my hair from the bun before burying his fingers in my hair and passionately kissing every part of my body. Caressing every part. Making my skin tingle and quiver. He then drove deep into me and I cried out in the beauty of an orgasm. My body quivered and a wave of tingling swept anew over me.

"Oh shit baby! Don't stop!" I screamed.

My back arched as he rocked himself in and out of me and our kisses ceased as we gasped for every breath. Neither of us needed to think about what we were doing. We just knew. Our hips automatically responded and our moans became synchronised. Cursing and moaning was all that could be heard before we finally slowed down. I had ended up on top and so collapsed onto the bed next to David. I panted as I snuggled into him.

"Where did THAT come from?" I breathed.

"I have no idea!" He laughed.

"Woooo! I haven't had that much exercise since my four hour gym fitness session!" I cried, "That I believe YOU made me do!"

David laughed which set me off. He stroked my hair with gentle movements which made me calm down and sigh in content. I draped my arms round him and laid my head on his chest. He wasn't as defined as he had been twenty odd years ago but his chest still had the traces of muscular outlines. At forty two, after several pregnancies, I myself was not how I once was. I had managed to get back to the size I was when I was eighteen, hovering between fourteen and sixteen, but my stretch marks had become permanent and grey hair was a constant burden.

"What's wrong baby?" David murmured.

I laughed, "I just never thought we would get here."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Our ages. It seems like yesterday we were having that drinking contest in Matt's club and now we have been married for nearly seventeen years with fiv... four kids and two potential grandchildren!" I looked away from David half way through due to my slip up.

"I know it still hurts!" He murmured, "I miss Lucy too."

I looked up at him. We barely said her name anymore but it felt good to hear it. At the end of the day, she still was our baby girl and we loved her. I had held her for hours after she had died, just willing her back.


My breath caught in my throat as David walking in carrying a small bundle of blankets, which I knew immediately to be our daughter. He sat down on the bed next to me and slowly gave her to me. The small child was limp in my arms and silence was only sound. It's head sat in the crook of my arm with its blue face turned towards me. My tears fell on her cheeks.

"She....has your eyes," David rasped.

"She...she should....see us!" I cried, "I should...see....her...eyes!"

"I know baby..." He whispered.

"How...What happened?" I stuttered.

"Alex I don't..."

"David what happened!" I burst.

David scratched his eyebrow slowly, "The umbilical cord wrapped around her throat just before you went into labour. Normally they are surrounded by fluid so this doesn't make a difference and everything is fine but..."

"Oh my god! I killed my baby! I killed my baby! I killed my baby!" I screamed.

David immediately picked up Lucy as I wildly scratched my arms and face and neck. I kept screaming the same phrase over and over. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room, including Riley. She grabbed my arms and held firmly onto them while another nurse injected me with a substance.

"Alex you didn't kill your baby!" She said firmly, "It was no ones fault!"

Riley enveloped me in a hug and I cried in her embrace. She still held my wrists in one hand so I wouldn't scratch myself again. After I had calmed down, she took the time to clean up my scratches and even stitch some of them up.

"Do you want to hold Lucy again?" She asked.

I nodded slowly. Riley took Lucy from David and placed her gently in my arms. I cradled the dead child and slowly kissed her cold forehead.

"Daddy loves you Lucy," I murmured, "And mummy loves you too."


"I love you David!" I whispered.

"I love you too Alex," he murmured back.

"No, I mean it! I really genuinely love you," I told him.

"And I love you too!" He replied.

He slowly brought his lips down on to mine. Our lips touched and I felt my heart flutter like it did every time we touched. His body lay on top of mine as he deepened our kiss. His tongue easier passed through the barrier of my teeth and found mine. Our tongues were almost as interested in exploring as our hands where as they slowly travelled down each other's bodies, awaking senses that made me moan between our kisses. I felt his erection being pressed against my sex.

"Just. Make. Love. To. Me!" I moaned.

"Not. Yet," he replied.

His lips detached from mine and instead trailed down my cheeks, down my jaw, along my neck an between the valley of my breasts. His lips and tongue teased my nipples as they swirled around on the skin. His thumb rolled the other making me quiver and moan. I couldn't take it. I let my fingers travel south and gently stimulated my clit. David then pulled my hand away.

"No no no!" He murmured.

He thumbed my clit himself. He knew exactly what to do. I soon came, screaming his name and begging for more. My body quivered from the guilty pleasure. We shouldn't be doing this right after morning our daughter, but we needed to feel alive.

"OH BABY!" I screamed.

David slammed himself fully into me while I was still in the middle of my orgasm. He then slowly drove himself in and out of me in a much slower and passionate pace than before. My body arched in response and his pace slowly built. My nails dug into his skin as my orgasm approached. It all went away when he suddenly stopped.

"David why did you stop?" I panted. I received no response, "David? David?"

I felt for his pulse but couldn't find one. I snatched up my phone and dialled 999. I screamed down the phone to send an ambulance. I pumped on his chest, trying to restart his heart.

"Come on David! Pull through! Pull through! I can't live with out!"

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