Chapter 11 - Aurora

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After arguing for a while, Luke and I settled on doing the rate of reaction experiment which I had also done for my course work at GCSE. I didn't mind that much to be honest as it was easy and could be a lot of fun. I was basically re-writing my course work but a lot more in-depth, which was fine by me. We hadn't spoken a word in the two weeks we had been working. That needed to change.

"Are we gonna work in silence for the entire experiment?" I asked finally.

"Well the impression I get from you in class is that you think I'm an ass-kissing teachers pet whom you wouldn't get the time of day," he shot back.

"And I'm getting the impression that you either have a huge crush on me and are being a dick to hide that or you think I'm a stuck up bitch who has to be best at everything and hates anyone better than me?" I laughed.

He smirked, "I'm neither denying nor admitting anything."

"Nor am I," I laughed, "Now that's over shall we start again?"

He smiled, "Sure."

"Hey I'm Aurora. I'm the female Scrooge," I said extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you, "he replied shaking my hand, "I'm the ass-kissing teachers pet but you can call me Luke."

"Nice to get to know a fellow genius," I laughed as we pulled out hands away, "Because the rest of the class is so boring."

"Oh god! Don't get me started!" Luke warned, "I just wanna go around slapping them all."

I laughed, "So happy I'm not the only one who feels that way! I just keep day dreaming and recalling dialogue from The Red Dragon."

"Oh my god I do that all the time. I am the gre...great DRAGON!" He impersonated.

"Omg that was amazing and not far off what I imagined in my head!" I squealed.

"Really?" He asked sceptically.

"Yeah that was..."

"How are you two getting on?" Mrs Hollower, our chemistry teacher, asked from the doorway.

"Good," I replied, "We were just discussing how well written Luke's work is."

She smiled, "Good to see you getting along but it is almost five now so you should be getting home."

"Sure," I smiled.

She left and Luke and I looked at each other before laughing. We managed to log off the computers and pack up before heading towards the door. We just gossiped about the Hannibal Lector series as we left the building.

"How have you not seen the TV series of Hannibal?" I asked, "It's amazing and fairly true to the book!"

He laughed, "I just haven't got around to ordering it off Amazon yet. I will eventually."

"No that won't do! I need someone to gossip with! Come round mine and I'll lead you the DVD to binge watch over the weekend!" I insisted.

"I should head home," he replied, "I gotta catch the bus. Some other time?"

"I could give you a lift home if you want," I offered, "My parents are out tonight if that what you are worried about."

He debated for a moment, "Ok sure!"


I lead him towards my little fiat 500. I dumped our bags in the boot before getting into the car. I started the car and drove off towards my house. For a while we drove in silence and I realised how awkward this was for him. I stole a glance at him to see the tension in his hazel eyes. He was the typical nerd with glasses and no muscle definition, but to be honest I had always found that to be so fake anyway. Luke did however have thick locks of coal black hair and the faint outline of muscles in his arms. His glasses gave him the down to earth look rather than geeky look. He wore his regular jeans and his signature Star Wars top. I was, coincidentally, also wearing my Star Wars top but it had been under my hoodie the whole day. I was going through a teenage version of a mid-life crisis and had decided to dye orange streaks into my otherwise brunette hair. Both Jason and I were born with poor vision so we both needed glasses, but Jason had recently taken to wearing contacts whereas I couldn't due to them irritating my eyes.

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