Chapter 12 - Lance

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Martha moaned beneath me as I thrusted in and out of her viciously. All day I had been cleaning shit and piss and crap and so as soon as I had the text from Martha to come over I rode directly there on my moped. Technically I was riding it illegally as you had to be 16 but I was only a couple months south so I didn't see the harm.

Speaking of south, I felt Martha on the edge of her second orgasm and I on my first. I pounded harsher into her repeatedly before she climax. A few thrusts later and I climaxed also. I screwed my eyes shut and rode the wave of pleasure, and as I did so my thrusts slowed. We ground to a halt and I collapsed on the bed next to her panting. Hard. I then, with a final burst of energy, sat up slightly and untied the ribbon from around her wrists.

She had thought it would be kinky to buy some strong, chunky ribbon from a craft store and tie it around the sides of her bed under her mattress. She had then insisted on being the one tied up. I'm going to admit, it was kinky as hell and such a turn on but I would never admit that to her and instead wound her up by saying how much she was trying to mimic 50 shades of grey. Although, I secretly think that she knew how kinky I found it.

"Oh my fucking God!" She panted out of the blue.

"What?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice.

"I've just realised that you are 15!" She murmured.

"So?" I pressed.

"You are under the legal age of sex and ... Well... I'm not! I so much older than you! Crap!" She breathed.

"Martha you know I won't tell anyone. We are fine!" I insisted.

"What if someone see us?" She asked.

"No one has so far," I lied.

I lied because, as much as I cared for Martha, I didn't want her to have the fear that Aurora would tell anyone and I didn't want to have to explain some very personal details of my sisters life to explain why she would never tell. I stroked Martha's cheek with the back of my hand. I didn't know what the hell I was feeling around this woman anymore. We had recently taken out relationship further and had started going out together for dinner and for coffee which was all well and good until men began hitting on her. When it happened I suddenly got an overwhelming jealous feeling and felt protective of her. I couldn't explain any of it.


I looked down at her to see her staring at me, "Sorry what where you saying?"

"I was saying there was a reason I wanted to meet up and it wasn't just for sex," she spoke.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You know all the headaches and sick days I've been having?" She began.

"Yeah. What about them?" I pressed.

"Well I went to the doctor the other day and she told me that there was good news...well...I guess bad in our situation..." She trailed off.

"Please tell me your not pregnant!" I breathed.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered, "And you're the father."

I sat up in disbelief, "There must be some mistake."

She shook her head, "I haven't been sleeping with anyone else."

I pulled on my underwear I found next to me on the floor then got up to start getting dressed. Martha sat up and pulled the duvet around her chest.

"Where are you going?" She whispered.

"Away! I'm fifteen for God sake and you've just dropped the baby bomb on me!" I exclaimed.

"So that's it is it?" She shouted, "I tell you I'm pregnant with your baby and we can't even have a grown up decision about its future. You just have to run for the hills!"

"You told me you were on the pill!" I shouted.

"I also told you that I had been off it for the past couple of weeks!" She shouted back, "You are acting like I planned this!"

"Did you?" I shot.

"Excuse me?" She hissed.

"Did. You. Plan. This?" I spoke loudly and slowly as if talking to a child.

"Don't even fucking go there Lance!" She screamed jumping out of bed and pulling on her dressing gown, "I did not plan on getting pregnant! I never even planned on starting a relationship with an underage student!"

"What so this is my fault is it?" I shouted.

"No!" She replied. She sighed and tried to calm down, "Can we please talk about this like adults?"

"Are you going to have and abortion?" I asked calmly.

"I'm not aborting a baby just because we made a mistake," she replied.

I continued to get dressed, "Then I can't stay."

Martha slapped me. I had just stood up from pulling on my last sock when her hand impacted on my cheek. It stun massively and, judging from her hand, had hurt her too. We glared at each other for several tense minutes in a battle of wills.

"I ignored that fact that you had used and thrown away other girls. I looked over the fact you lied about loving me," she spoke. Her voice slowly rising, "but I will not tolerate this childness when it comes to the responsibility of our child. Whether you like it or not, Mr Ride, we have created this baby and so I am not destroying it because we were stupid. I don't care if you are not part of its life but it is a life a deserves a chance." I could see the tears in her eyes and I felt a pang of guilty hit me, "I am keeping my baby and so you can make a choice now. Prove to me that my assumption is wrong and you do love me and stay or prove me correct and leave, but know this. Whatever you choose to do, know that my love for you was and is real!"

Tears poured down her cheeks. Our earlier activities felt like a distant memory. I knew that right now was the decision time. The decision which could dictate the rest of my school life, if not the rest of my entire life. Regardless of what I chose, Martha would remain my teacher and so I would be reminded of my choice everyday.

I sighed, "Goodbye Martha."

I walked out of the bedroom.

"You bastard!" She screamed as I went.

I walked to the door and exited quickly. I race down the stairs of the apartment building and out to the parking lot. I got on my moped and got the hell out of there. I realised as I rode further and further away what a jackass I was being, but I couldn't turn back. I had made my decision and I now had to learn to live by that. My heart wept as I neared my home but I refused to admit to myself what I now knew.


I open the door of the house and hear my mother humming in the kitchen. I followed the sound to see her dancing bare-foot in the kitchen to the radio. Tear threatened me as I recalled how often Martha did that.

"Lance!" My mother said when she saw me, "I wasn't expecting you home until later."

"I....just...I had a change of plan," I stuttered.

"Lance?" She asked. She held my cheeks to look at me properly, "What's wrong hun?"

"I....I...I've ruined the life of someone I love..."

I felt dizzy and the room started to spin. I felt myself crash on to the floor. I heard my mother frantically scream for my dad. The silence and darkness closed in...

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